~The Last Estelle Manor Party~ Gold Watchers

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Walking Dead Game Theme Song
By: ?

I couldn't help it with the music, especially since I finished the game last night (it went too well with the last scene with Heinrich and Haytham)


Estelle Manor

"How are you liking this place so far, Haytham?" Judas asked as he wandered over to the young Watcher with a wine glass in hand. Yes, Haytham has been there for about 39 years, but he was still opening up to everyone the best he could. The latest arrival they've had so far is Pierre and Maurice. "It's okay. Could be better." Judas chuckled and took a sip of his wine before speaking again. "I know what you mean." He looked off towards one of the tall Georgian windows that looked out toward the hedge maze. The moon's light shining down onto the manor.

"Why does your brother always wear that white cravat that covers his neck?" Pierre whispered to Hedwig. The British man turned to look behind him to see Haytham talking with Judas. "I'm unsure. He never tells me or anyone else anything from what I've heard." Hedwig replied, placing a hand on his hip while the other held onto his walking staff. Hedwig kept his eyes on Haytham and Judas the entire time, completely ignoring what Pierre had to say. But his eyelights mostly stayed focused on Haytham's white cravat. He was curious as to why that boy kept it on all the time and never took it off. Hedwig then smirked and turned back to Pierre. "Watch this."

Judas gave Haytham a smile as he mentioned the book he was reading; about Folklore Tales. "You always keep your hair down like Pierre. I like it. It suits you." Haytham complimented his leader. Who in return, shrugged back. "Yes. I get that a lot, actually. You also keep your hair down." Judas replied with a slight head tilt. Haytham looked down to the floor. "Only sometimes. I only keep my hair up when I'm outside so it doesn't get in my face." Haytham watched Judas' purple eyelights look over his head. Haytham was met face-to-chest with Hedwig who had a mischievous smirk on his lips. Haytham narrowed his eyes at Hedwig and noticed how he placed his hand on the youngest Watcher's shoulder. Haytham tensed up at this but kept a straight face.

"Can I help you?" Haytham asked in a tone that he didn't mean to use. Hedwig's eyes widened a bit and he giggled before containing himself. "What do you wear this thing for?" Hedwig poked at the cravat which caused Haytham to take a step back. "Scared of admitting something?" Hedwig grabbed the cravat with a tight grip. Haytham put his hands on Hedwig's chest, trying to pry him away. Meanwhile Judas watched in amusement. "L-let go of me, Hedwig... please!" Haytham tried to reason with his older brother, but it was obvious, that it wasn't doing any good. Which caused a black inky tear to fall out of Haytham's eye socket. His eyelight on the left started to flicker and it started to leak full of black liquid. Haytham was able to wipe the black ink away before anyone saw, but it didn't mean that he still didn't have tears streaming down his face.

Before a second even passed, Hedwig ripped off the white cravat, revealing the black looking veins all over Haytham's neck. Judas stumbled back and almost fell over. A woman gasped and dropped her wine glass. Pierre pointed in disbelief and a few others started whispering to others. Some even pointing and laughing. Haytham clutched his chest where his heart would be and felt his teeth grit together in panic. Hedwig dropped the cravat and let it drop to the ground. "Oh, Haytham..." Hedwig shook his head. "I didn't know-" Everyone's attention was turned over to Hugo who made his way through the crowd that gathered around to see what was going on.

"Judas, what's going on-?"

Haytham and Hugo made direct eye contact.

When Hugo's eyelights drifted down to Haytham's neck, Haytham could see the shock on Hugo's face. Haytham then turned his head to stare Hedwig right in the eyes. Nobody has ever seen Haytham look so angry. No.. enraged.


Heinrich stepped his way through the crowd and stood by Hugo. Haytham gave everyone one last look before snatching up his cravat and sprinting out of the room. His tricorn hat was left behind as well. Heinrich dared to take a step forward and snatched it up before Hedwig could. Heinrich sadly looked down at the light green and gold tricorn hat. Slowly and quietly, everyone went back to what they were doing before. Even Hedwig and Pierre started talking again. The tall German man looked at one of the paintings hung on the wall that led through a secret passageway through the walls of the manor. Heinrich made sure no one was looking before tilting the painting to the side a little bit then slipped his way through and into the walls. Heinrich coughed away some dust that flew into his face but quickly regained his composure.

He started slowly making his way through the walls and looking through the one sided mirrors to see if he could spot Haytham anywhere. At one point, Heinrich did spot Haytham speed walking down the hall which led to a trap door that went up to the roof of the manor. Heinrich had been up there a few times when he had to fix a hole in the roof, and he can say, it's not a fun thing to do. Heinrich immediately got out of the secret passageway and stalked Haytham from around the corner. He watched the young boy open up the trap door and climb up the poorly built ladder that went up to the roof.

Heinrich quickly followed behind.

Once Heinrich made it up the ladder, the sound of the wind was calming. But not the situation he was in. He held his purple and gold tricorn hat with one hand as he looked around for Haytham. "Haytham!" He called out, hoping he was loud enough. "No! Go back inside, Heinrich!" Haytham was on the edge of the manor's roof. He almost slipped off but was able to balance himself. Heinrich took a few steps forward with his hands outstretched. Ready to grab Haytham if needed. "Come on, Haytham." Heinrich motioned for Haytham to come towards him, but the young boy shook his head. "I cannot!" He simply shouted, glancing over his shoulder to see the ground. Haytham was shaking from the drop. "Just.. leave me be." Haytham turned his back on Heinrich. And without a second thought, he took a step forward. Heinrich reacted as quickly as he possibly could. He grabbed onto Haytham's light green and gold coat and pulled him back onto the roof.

Haytham gasped and tried to get out of Heinrich's grip, but the German man was not letting go. He pulled Haytham onto the ground and bent down beside him. Haytham started to sob at this point and still tried to get up. Heinrich sighed and put his knee on Haytham's chest, restricting him from getting up. "Heinrich! Stop this! This place is better off without me! I mean, look at me-!" Heinrich placed a finger on Haytham's lips, shushing him. Heinrich untied his purple fluffy cravat and gently tied it onto Haytham's neck. When he was finished, he gave Haytham a soft smile and cautiously got off of the young Watcher. Haytham slowly sat up and stared straight ahead with furrowed eyebrows.

Heinrich saw the look on Haytham's face and sat beside him. Heinrich stared in the same direction as Haytham and looked up at the full moon. His sapphire eyelights glowed slightly in the dark and so did Haytham's emerald green eyelights. However, they were a little dull looking. Heinrich closed his eyes and exhaled the breath he didn't know he was holding. Suddenly, a weight was placed on Heinrich's arm. He opened his eyes and looked down to see Haytham's head laying on the Royal's arm. Heinrich smiled and rub Haytham's shoulder in a comforting manner.

"Even though you don't really speak, it's nice to have you around."

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