Requested: ~A Different Confession~ Haytham Bishop & Samuel Ludwig

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History Hates Lovers
By: oublaire

This was on my sister's playlist and when my cousin and I heard this in the car, we both immediately looked at each other and mouthed 'Haytham and Samuel'


February 14th, 1759

"And remember to never-"
"Talk back to the towns people unless necessary. I know!"
"I'm just worried for you, dear."

The baker lady caressed Haytham's cheek with a soft smile. "You can go now." She said, putting her hand back at her side. "But don't forget your coat this time! You always forget it!" Haytham stopped in front of the door. "Right.." He thought, going over to Miss Robin and taking his light green coat from her. He slid it on and raised his brows at Miss Robin, asking for her approval. She nodded and smoothed down the apron on her dress. "I will see you tomorrow then?" She asked. Haytham hummed in 'yes' before opening the door and running outside. The streets weren't as busy today and the people didn't point or whisper to each other anymore when the Bishop Brothers came into town. It was peaceful again, and that's what Haytham wanted.

"Haytham Bishop is here at last!" The young boy instantly recognized that loud voice. "Samuel.." He gasped, half-way turning around to see the brown haired and brown eyed boy that was his exact same age. They had become friends a few days after Haytham started helping out at the bakery. It was the only job he was actually good at. But Haytham had a feeling that him and Samuel weren't really friends.. something more. And yet, Haytham has tried to ignore the thoughts. He knew they weren't normal and he knew the consequences of anyone finding out. Samuel had probably caught on already to Haytham's feelings! Not just due to him becoming shy around Samuel, but he also saw that Haytham was never really into any of the women in the town.

Samuel then realized something. He had to give back Haytham's tricorn hat! The last time they saw each other, Haytham allowed Samuel to wear his tricorn hat in order to avoid conflict against a group of men that were looking for him. The brown haired man walked up to Haytham and placed the tricorn hat back onto his head. He took a few steps back and looked at Haytham's face to see him staring up at Samuel from under his eyebrows. When Haytham started stuttering out his thanks and appreciation, Samuel laughed. "Oh come on.. I'm not trying to embarrass you! Am I?" Haytham went wide eyed. "Uh-! I don't think so!" Haytham took a few steps back. He had no idea why he became so sweaty all of a sudden and felt like he couldn't speak. This happened often when he was around Samuel Ludwig's presence.

"You seem so nervous. What is the matter?"
"What is it?"

Samuel raised a brow. "Do you not remember, Haytham?" The blonde haired boy threw a confused look back at Samuel. "Remember what?" Samuel placed a hand on his hip. "You wanted to talk to me today. You said so yourself a few days ago." Haytham gasped. He did say that! But he didn't know if he could tell Samuel today! "Well..." Haytham looked around him and Samuel, making sure no one was around. "Sam, I-... you see, I've-" Samuel noticed Haytham's form trembling and how he kept scratching at his arms - something he did when extremely stressed or nervous. But Samuel wasn't a dumb man. He knew exactly why Haytham picked this day and what he was going to say. Samuel looked to the left and right before leaning forward a bit, distracting Haytham for a moment.

"You like me, don't you?"
"As a friend!"
"Don't lie to me."

Haytham's cheeks turned a light pink when Samuel placed a hand on Haytham's cheek. The smirk on Samuel's face didn't disappear at all. "Do you think I'm that foolish? I've known for a long while now, Haytham." Samuel tilted his head slightly and his smirk turned into a soft smile. Haytham didn't know what to say or do. He was just in shock, thinking this was all in his head. But it was real. How did he know it was real? When Hedwig showed up behind Samuel and ripped him away from Haytham.

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