Chapter 20: Calls & Meetings

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James POV

I'm not sure what it is that pulls me from the welcoming arms of slumber, but as I slowly come to consciousness, leaving behind a faded feeling of bliss, I realize that my dream is reality. Laying between my arms, cold nose snuggled deep into my hoodied chest, is Cody, his mop of curls hiding his face from me.

His breath slightly tickles my chest, but I welcome the sensation, a fierce warm ness and possessiveness striking me in my heart.

'I couldn't sleep a wink. I just held him all night. Our little Cody Bear. I couldn't deny it anymore. Especially after meeting Jessie.' Sloan's confession surprises me, the usually sassy wolf almost awestruck by this little Omega Hybrid that's seemed to shake up the foundation of our life.

Suddenly my phone is ringing and I realize what pulled me out of my sleep, moving quickly but carefully, not wanting to wake Cody, I slid my body from under him and grab my phone. I get out of bed as softly as possible and cover Cody with his covers, trying not to stop and swoon at his cuteness. I spot the bathroom door and tiptoe towards it, closing it softly behind me, watching through the closing gap as Cody snuggles the warm spot left in my wake.

I finally look at my phone and see what is apparently Alex's tenth attanept at calling me go to voicemail.

I hate the whole technology thing, preferably to stick to my roots of nature but I can't deny that technology comes in handy especially when our Pack Link is out of its one hundred fifty mile radius. But times like now I want to flush it down the toilet so I can get back to cuddling Cody who's finally slowly opening up his heart to me.

Seconds after the call ends, there's another, and this time I answer, pulling the damned device towards my ear, making sure it's at the lowest volume so my eardrum a don't burst.

"Holy Celeste, James, what's the point in you having a phone is you don't fucking use it?" Is the first thing that Alex half yells at me, making the whole lowest volume a moot point.

"I'm sorry, your highness." I snort, used to his usual bickering. "This better be important. I'm with Cody."

'Yes and our baby is in dire need of snuggles.' Sloan says, clearly not interested in what Alex has to say.

"I'm sorry but whatever you're doing is going to have to wait. We just got back from the Winter Moon Pack, and they want to set up a meeting this afternoon at the White Cabin. Timari and John got back an hour ago and are waiting to report. Zee's on the phone with Artemis now. You need to get down here so we can share what we know and get our cards together before we meet at the White Cabin." His words check my attitude, reminding me that I can't just cozy up with Cody and play house. If I do that, we might not end up with a home period. This isn't the time to get comfortable.

A small part of me prays that Cody won't think that I was just blow smoke, my anxiety working double time to remind me of all my fears and insecurities.

Holy Celeste. Get your shit together ,

"Alright. Give me five minutes and I'll meet everyone in Zee's office. I want everyone to come to the White Cabin. I don't know what's going on, but I want to be prepared for anything." I tell him, running my hands through my hair, trying to sound more calm and confident than I actually feel.

"No problem, Alpha. See you then." He says and then he's gone.

I take a second to take a deep breath, reminding myself that nothing has happened yet. Just because we got a creepy and completely ominous prophecy, and a sudden unprecedented increase in crime doesn't mean that something terrible big and earth shattering is coming. I'm clearly letting my imagination and anxiety get the best of me.

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