Ch 105 - The Radiant Sakura, Makoto's Realm of Consciousness

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The thousand sound of clashing steels, echoing through the battlefield in the dimension of concussion, before the scene is showing up that Ei took a leap back, avoiding Shogun's Tachi sweep attack.

This is their 69th battles, yet, Ei is still come out as victorious as never once she's letting her guard down.

She's determined to change the way of the Shogun, to strive the new idea of change to Inazuma to be a great nation again.


The Shogun itself still not convince with the idea, she's programmed to protect the Eternity which it's why the reason of this fight occured between them.

Lumine and Paimon couldn't do a thing but to watch this battle, as it was a wish from Ei as she wanted to settle this matter alone.

Lumine: "H-how come the Shogun rise again after all of those whopping ass!? It's her 69th defeat, yet, she's still able to rise up again!?"

Paimon: "What the heck!?"

Ei is guarding a wide slash from the Shogun before taking a leap to create a distance and sighing heavily.

Ei: "I programmed and built her to resist the erosion. Her will is stronger than any other living being's, including you and me... and within this concussion realm-"

She paused for a moment as saw nine lighting crescent slashes energy are flying toward Ei and Lumine.

They were launched by the Shogun with a technique she familiar with... as Ei was also implanted her martial arts into the Shogun.

Upon saw her own techniques, Ei replied in kinds, engulfing her Katana with a dense lighting as starts sparking violently around and slashing it down with the same kind of technique.

Nine crescent purple slashes comes from both directions, clashing against each other as creating a huge wide area of lighting sparsk in the battlefield.

The same techniques, canceling each other.

Ei: "...within this realm of consciousness, her existence will never perish"

Lumine: "Doesn't that mean, this is will be never-ending battle!?"

Ei: "Perhaps, but I have proves her that the future I shall forge will be a grand undertaking, one that will be resistant to erosion"

Paimon: "What are you trying to do!? It is about your sister wish!?"

Ei: "Makoto's wish? *chuckles* Seems, you are misunderstood me here. What I do right now is none other for myself. I've promised my subject of Inazuma that one day I will return. It's my oath... and I will fulfill it!"

Said her as lighting starts sparking and emerging out from Ei's sword as she took her usual stance upon glancing toward the Shogun as she's prepared herself as well.

Ei: "I'll place everything in (Y/N) and Miko hands during my absence as both of them are the most trusted people to me... please, pass my words to them, Lumine"

An unexplainable force then dragging out both Lumine and Paimon at the same time, chasing them out of the realm of concussions and soon, they found themselves on the shrine gate where they were come in.

Lumine: "She's forced us out, huh"

Paimon: "What do we do? Are we really just gonna leave Ei and the Shogun to keep on duking it out in there forever!?"

Lumine: "We can't let her do that but she's was making sense, maybe this is the only way to change the rules as she has no physical body anymore and has to relies on the Shogun..."

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