Chapter 54

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After Su Ting gave birth to confinement, the matter of naming her slowly was also put on the agenda.

However, Su Ting didn't urge He Dongchuan. These days, most of the children have to go to school before registering for household registration. It's just a month old. She thinks that at least one year can be given to him to name him.

But Aunt Wang was very anxious, she was old-fashioned and felt that she would not have a proper name until the day of the full moon wine, so she urged He Dongchuan twice a day to quickly decide on the name.

He Dongchuan also wanted to quickly decide on the name, and this night, he came to seek Su Ting's opinion again.

Su Ting has a headache. Of course she cares about naming her daughter, but He Dongchuan is decisive in other matters, but hesitant in this matter. He can't make up his mind. , Always deny other people's proposals.

It's just that when denying Su Ting's proposal, he was more tactful than denying He's father's proposal, and only said "I don't think this name is very good/not suitable", or "Do you want to think about it again".

Every time Su Ting wanted to hammer his head off.

After a few times, Su Ting learned to be good, and never expressed any opinion on her daughter's name, and left the matter to him.

As a result, more than half a month passed, and after going around, he still asked Su Ting: "Which of these names do you think is better?"

Seeing that he had listed the names and he only needed to choose, Su Ting had an attitude. loose. She felt that these names were all his favorites, so he should have no problem choosing which one to choose, right?

After all, she is his own daughter, so Su Ting is also very concerned about what her name is, so she decided to help him as a reference.

He Dongchuan listed a total of six names, some with simple meanings, such as Jue, such as Xi, and some selected from ancient poems, such as Qingzhi, such as Yunyu, all of which sound good.

Su Ting thought that either one would do, but she still thought about it seriously.

Although the word Xi sounds good, it is too difficult to write. She is afraid that her daughter will cry when she writes the name after going to school, and the word Yun is the same, and the name Yunyu cannot be thought deeply.

After thinking about it, Su Ting pointed to the word Jue and said, "Just this one, it sounds nice, easy to write, and has a good meaning."

He Dongchuan took the paper with the name written on it from Su Ting's hand, and pondered: "Is the word Jue too much?" Simple? The meaning is not as grand as the word Xi."

"Then it's called Xi."

"But you said it just now, the name is easier to write, and the word Xi has too many strokes, so it's too troublesome to write." And now he looks at it, I also think that if the word is written compactly, it is easy to see unclearly, and if it is loosely written, it is not very good-looking, and it is too challenging for children who have just started school.

"It's not bad to be called Qing Zhi."

"These two words together have a good meaning, but they are a bit common when separated." "

Who calls names separately?"

"Qing Qing, Zhi Zhi, isn't it normal to call this way?"

Su Ting Taking a deep breath,

she continued to give He Dongchuan a reference: "What about this one?"


"Yunyu, doesn't that sound a bit weird?"

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