Chapter 103

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Before He Dongchuan came back, a big incident happened in the family's courtyard, but it had nothing to do with their family, Su Ting was just a melon eater.

It was Meng Xiuzhen who told Su Ting that she was an inquisitor in the compound, and nothing could escape her eyes and ears.

That day Su Ting was watching, when she heard someone calling her outside, she went out and opened the door, and saw Meng Xiuzhen standing outside with a piece of watermelon in her arms, and said with a smile: "Today I went to the supply and marketing agency to make soy sauce, and I saw the watermelon inside. There is watermelon for sale, and I weighed half of it and came back, thinking that you might be at home, so I cut half of it and brought it to you."

"You are too polite." Su Ting hurriedly welcomed her into the door, beckoned her to sit down in the living room, and gave it to her. She poured a cup of herbal tea, picked up the piece of watermelon and said, "I'm going to cut the watermelon." "Sure, you go."

Su Ting took the watermelon into the kitchen, found a clean plate, and cut the watermelon into small pieces. Put them on a plate, then find out the toothpick box, take out two toothpicks, insert them and take them out.

In addition to watermelon, she also packed a plate of melon seeds, peanuts and biscuits.

Meng Xiuzhen saw it and said: "You are too meticulous, you are so particular about eating a piece of watermelon." "It is more convenient to eat this way." Su Ting tied a piece of watermelon with a toothpick, and when she ate it, it was rustling and sweet in her mouth, and she laughed He said, "This watermelon is good."

There are not many fruits that can be eaten in the Shanghai market. In winter, oranges and apples are usually eaten, and in summer, only watermelons and peaches can be eaten. However, summer fruits have a common feature and are not easy to store.

Therefore, the supply and marketing cooperatives don't often sell fruits in summer, and the quantity they buy each time will not be too much. Whether they can buy it is purely a matter of luck. About a week ago, a batch of watermelons came into the supply and marketing cooperative, but it was too late when Su Ting got the news, so she didn't buy any.

It would be nice to eat watermelon, so I wanted to buy one later, and asked, "Is there any watermelon in the supply and marketing cooperative?"

"Yes, there are more than ten of them that just came in today," Meng Xiuzhen said and complained, "It's just that the price is too expensive, it costs fifteen cents a catty."

Su Ting was very open: "The quantity is small. Well, the price is of course expensive."

Not only is watermelon not easy to store. It is not convenient for transportation. In fact, not only watermelons, but most fruits are like this at this time, so they are basically produced locally and sold locally, or they are made into cans for sale.

Shanghai stock market is a big city with a large population, but it is not a famous place for fruit cultivation. The supply of fruits has never been in short supply, so the price is naturally not cheap.

Meng Xiuzhen also pierced a piece of watermelon, stuffed it into her mouth and chewed while saying, "But the watermelons that came in this time are all in good condition. They sound thumping when you knock them, and they taste sweet. Do you want to buy them too?

" I want to buy one." Su Ting nodded, "It's just that our family is small, so I'm afraid we won't be able to eat it all."

"Then don't buy one, buy half," Meng Xiuzhen said, "You don't know, I saw watermelons for sale today , I wanted to buy one too, but it cost more than two yuan when I weighed it, which scared me, so I asked them to cut it in half." Su Ting asked in surprise, " Did they really cut it for you?"

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