Chapter 71

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"Xiaoyun went to buy pictorials again?"

"Yes." Zheng Yun replied with a smile, rode his bicycle through the narrow alley, stopped at the gate of the innermost courtyard, and pushed his bicycle in.

After locking the bicycle, Zheng Yun picked up the pictorial in the basket and went upstairs briskly.

This is an old house. At first, it was a single family. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the house was taken into public ownership, and later it was used as a state-owned factory worker's house. A dozen or so families were stuffed into the original three-story bungalow.

Zheng Yun's family was divided in the late 1950s. At that time, she and her brother were both young, and the family was divided into only two rooms, which were suites inside and outside.

Over the years, her parents have remodeled the house twice. After the renovation, the one-bedroom and one-living room became three-bedroom and one living room, but each room is very small, and there is not much space left for a bed and a small wardrobe.

This house used to be enough to live in, but as her brother got married and had children, the already small room became more crowded.

So in the year after the nephew was born, her sister-in-law has been introducing her to someone, hoping that she can get married early and move out, so that a room can be made, whether it is for storing things or for the children to live in later, it will be cheaper.

As soon as Zheng Yun entered, she bumped into her sister-in-law. The other party asked, "Where have you been? I was looking for you. I'm going to meet Comrade Xu at noon today. The place for dinner will be at Xiangyun Restaurant. Don't forget." "Know , I haven't forgotten."

Zheng Yun's tone was a little impatient, and he hurried into the room with the pictorial.

Seeing her like this, her sister-in-law was so angry that her chest heaved continuously, but in the end she didn't dare to tear her face, she just muttered in a low voice: "I think you are stupid for reading pictorials!" You are stupid for reading pictorials.

As she got older, Zheng Yun was used to people saying that about her all the time, so it couldn't hurt her.

Zheng Yun didn't hear his sister-in-law's words, so he locked the door after entering the house, lay on the bed and opened "Lianhuan Pictorial", and directly turned to the last page to read the catalog.

This is a habit she has developed in the past two years.

At first, she was just a loyal reader of "Lianhuan Pictorial" and had no favorite author, so she read the pictorial from the beginning.

But in the past two years, she fell in love with the comic strip of the author called A Durian.

Because the only two works of a durian are both medium-length serials, so after getting the pictorial, in order to see the stories she likes first, she gradually developed the habit of reading the catalog first.

Although the second work of A Durian has been completed for half a year, Zheng Yun has not given up this habit, because she wants to know whether there is a new story of A Durian in the first place.

As in the past six months, the answer is no.

Zheng Yun felt a little disappointed, thinking that if there is still no new work on a durian in the next issue, she will write to the publishing house to ask the author if he has closed the pen.

With this in mind, Zheng Yun turned to the first page of the comic book and read it from the beginning.

As a loyal lover of comic strips, Zheng Yun has already seen the experience. When he opened a comic strip, he could guess the ending of the story after basically reading the beginning.

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