Chapter 137

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After He Yan came back and stayed for two days, the military wife asked what was going on.

This day Su Ting went shopping for vegetables, but was stopped by a military wife, who asked why He Yan didn't go back to work after Monday. Knowing that He Yan was going to stay at home for a while, Su Ting didn't hide anything, and told him about his resignation and plan to start a business.

At that time, one of the military wives who were buying vegetables in the vegetable market had previously said that although the government unit was good but the income was mediocre, after hearing Su Ting's words, she immediately changed her tone and said that He Yan was too impulsive, and anyone could do business. , How many people fail to start a business and lose money, Su Ting's parents should persuade him.

Su Ting couldn't help laughing when she heard this, and said: "It's okay, anyway, he made money from doing business with his classmates last year, even if the business fails this time, it's okay to lose it all.

" Everyone in the courtyard has heard about the fact that classmates do business in partnership, but most people think that children can do big business by partnering, and even if they make money, they probably won't make much money. A loss is a gain.

But hearing what Su Ting said, it seemed that he had made a lot of money, and everyone couldn't help but wonder: "How much money did He Yan earn last year?" Su Ting laughed and said, "Not much, not much. Two houses in the Shanghai stock market."

The description of the two houses in the Shanghai stock market is a bit general, because the prices of houses of different sizes in different locations must be different. Like an old bungalow in the city center, it costs tens of thousands of dollars, but if it is an old house in a not-so-good location, the area is only a dozen square meters, and it can be won for more than 1,000 yuan.

But most people must say that the money they earn is higher. If He Yan earns tens of thousands, Su Ting will definitely say that he has earned two sets of old bungalows. Just talking about two apartments, everyone thought that He Yan probably only earned two or three thousand.

Two to three thousand is not a lot. Last year, He Yan hadn't graduated yet. If their children can earn two to three thousand at He Yan's age, they would be able to wake up laughing at night from their dreams.

Seeing that everyone was boasting that He Yan would make money, the military wife who said the dejected words just now couldn't help it, and said: "For their business people, a few thousand yuan is not too much, and the initial investment may not be enough. If It won't last long if you lose money. Besides, He Yan earned money last year because he cooperated with his classmates. Could it be that his classmates also resigned this time to start a business with him?" "No." "That's it, last year He can make money with his classmates, so this year he may not be alone. Besides, isn't he planning to start a business? Why is he staying at home all day long? Don't you have already lost your money?"

He said earnestly and earnestly: "I heard that many people in government agencies go to sea without pay and stay on duty. This way, if the business fails, they can continue to go back to work. Your family, He Yan, is lucky. He quit his job if he didn't get things done. He Although the income of the job is not high, it is still an agency. There is always a way out if you stay without pay without pay, and you won't be like him now, lying at home and playing every day, don't you think so?"

Su Ting hehe: "Then Don't worry, he hasn't lost the money yet, but even if he loses it, it's easy to find a job with his education, or if he wants to continue studying, my father and I will support it. Anyway, our family is smart, as long as he Yes, it will be no problem to be admitted to the best university in China as a graduate student, unlike some people who failed to pass the technical secondary school after repeating the study three times."

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