Chapter 135

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There is a carrot hanging in front of her, and Su Ting's focus is on softness recently. As long as she can finish her homework with quality and quantity before 8:00 p.m., she will turn on the TV and let her watch it for half an hour.

Slowly, now it seems that I have a head start. Not only are I more serious in class, but I am also more active in my homework than before. I don't need Su Ting to remind me every day, and I start writing when I enter the house.

When Meng Xiuzhen came to see Su Ting and saw it, she said that she had grown up and became sensible.

After hearing this, Su Ting thought to herself that she had become more sensible, and she clearly saw the benefits, but she didn't make a sound to demolish her daughter.

No matter what the reason is, it's always a good thing for my daughter to become more active in her studies. She seems to be in a much better mood as a mother, but she doesn't want to go back to urging her children to do homework every day.

It's just that Su Ting was in a good mood for a few days, and found out that she was secretly eating ice cream!

The reason for discovering this secret is that when Su Ting was cooking, she found that there was no soy sauce at home, so she took the money and went out to buy it.

Although the supply and marketing cooperative has not yet closed down, due to the impact of the commissary, the business is worsening day by day, resulting in a backlog of goods and more and more products that are on time. Therefore, although the supply and marketing cooperative is in the compound, it is closer, and the people in the compound I still prefer to go to the small shop outside to buy things.

The same is true for Su Ting. When she walked out of the compound and just turned around the sentry box, she saw Slowly and Ji Yi standing at the entrance of the canteen holding something. At first she wanted to call out, but before she could speak, she realized that the two children were not in the right state, not only looking around, but also looking a little sneaky, so she swallowed the words that came to her lips.

Sure enough, the next second, the two children turned around and walked into the aisle in the middle of the facade.

Seeing that Su Ting hurriedly followed, she slowed down when she was about to walk, and cautiously poked her head into the aisle to see that there was no one.

Because slowly, she often said recently that she would go to play with Ji Yi for a while after school, and the time was not long each time. School ended at 4:50, and she would return home before 5:20.

So after thinking about it, Su Ting didn't catch up, but went into the canteen and asked slowly if she came to buy anything just now.

After elementary school until 7 o'clock is the peak sales period of the canteen. The three bosses who are partnered are all there, and one person is in charge of two counters, and they are all busy.

But the work did not delay their chatting, and they replied one after another: "No, she didn't come to my place to buy things after school .

"Is she there?"

Two military wives shook their heads, and the one at the counter closest to the freezer thought for a while and said, "It seems to be here. I walked around in front of the freezer and left without buying anything." The military wives at the counter opposite the freezer

thought Get up: "Yes, she seems to come to the supply and marketing cooperative after school recently, walk around the freezer, and then leave without buying anything." Jokingly asked, "Did you control her too strictly, and the child is greedy for popsicles? "

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