Chapter 136

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This is not He Yan's first venture.

As early as last summer vacation, he took the 5,000 yuan given by Su Ting and resold boxed mooncakes and crabs with his classmates, making his first pot of gold. Later, a group of people even started a company.

It's just that the business doesn't last long, and conflicts tend to arise when there are too many partners. He Yan quit the company at the end of the semester to prepare for the exam.

After the new semester started, He Yan didn't do anything, just waited for assignment in school.

In the ten years since the resumption of the college entrance examination, the cost of college students has increased, and it has not been so easy for college students to allocate jobs in the past two years, but He Yan went to Capital University, and he has always had excellent grades during his studies.

No one could wait for the assignment, and it was impossible for him not to wait, so after waiting for a long time, he was assigned to the ideal unit, drinking tea and reading the newspaper for a period of time.

However, the saying "gold always shines" is reasonable. Although He Yan himself does not want to shine and be valued, firstly, his reputation as a top student at Capital University is here. He handles everything arranged by the leader properly.

After a long time, the leaders noticed him and felt that this is a talent that should be cultivated well.

So there is the next thing.

After running away from the capital, He Yan bought a bus ticket and went to the south. The official reason was to look for business opportunities, but Su Ting suspected that he was going to relax and have fun.

After half a month in the south, every time he called back, he either said where he went to play during the day, or what delicious food he ate, and asked him if he had any ideas, and he said he wanted to take a look again.

Since he wants to take a look again, let's take a look again. Anyway, the money he earned last year is enough for him to use it for a while.


After her menstrual period was over, Su Ting took some time to settle accounts with her.

In fact, Su Ting really didn't know how to calculate this account. It's been a week since the incident, and she was angry at that time, but now her anger has disappeared.

Coupled with the fact that she has performed well this week, if she is asked to beat someone at this time, to be honest, she is a bit reluctant to do so.

But Su Ting felt that it was impossible to expose this matter lightly. Children are very good at pushing an inch. No matter now, she will have to go to the house to expose the roof tiles sooner or later.

After thinking about it, Su Ting said to Slowly: "Since you performed well this week, I decided not to beat you."

Slowly took a long breath, and smiled on her face: "Thank you, Mom! I will be obedient in the future." !"

But Su Ting didn't accept this, and said: "Capital crimes can be avoided, but life crimes cannot be escaped. Although there is no need to be beaten, other punishments must be avoided, so that you will not lose your memory in the future." You can say anything about being beaten and fined.

Su Ting smiled slightly: "After discussing with your father, I decided to stop your pocket money for a month. In addition, hand over your deposit, and I will confiscate it." Slowly dumbfounded: "Ah?" "I don't understand Do you want me to repeat it again?" Su Ting asked, before she could answer slowly, she repeated what she had just said, and raised her chin and said, "Go and take out your piggy bank.

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