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In May 1990, the Hudong Development Office was officially established, and in October of the same year, the above-mentioned authorities approved the establishment of the Hudong New Area. [1]

Since then, Hudong has officially entered a stage of rapid development, and housing prices have continued to rise. The proverb "I would rather have a bed in Huxi than a room in Hudong", which was widely circulated in the 1980s, has gradually become history.

Although in the first year of the establishment of the Hudong New District, the residents of Huxi still believed in this proverb, but the news that the residents of Hudong were demolished and relocated to get rich was enough to make people jealous and aroused heated discussions.

During this year, Su Ting could hear the sighs of regret from the residents of the compound every now and then.

If they had known that Hudong would be demolished, they would have gone to buy a house early. If they had bought a house in Hudong, they would be one more person who is now dispatched to get rich.

And at this time, they envy the He family, because the He family bought a house in Hudong, and they bought a lot.

Because there are not so many financial management methods in this era... Well, this is an excuse. In fact, Su Ting knows that the next 30 years will be the hottest period in the real estate industry. At this time, buying a house can make a profit without losing money. It is a low-risk and low-investment The best investment with high returns, if you have money and don't buy a house, it's purely a brain problem.

Since buying her first house in the late 1970s, Su Ting has been consciously buying real estate. At the beginning, all the houses she bought were in Huxi.

It's not that she doesn't like the houses in Hudong, but it's that in the early days of the reform, buying a house was all based on the introduction of acquaintances, and she was studying at Fuda at the time, and her contacts were all near Fuda, so the houses she could buy were also nearby.

By the mid-1980s, although there were no formal real estate brokerage companies like later generations, there were well-connected and well-informed people engaged in related intermediary work.

By chance, Su Ting met such a person, and bought a good house under the introduction of the other person, and the two have been cooperating since then.

The first apartment Su Ting bought in Hudong was introduced by her. At that time, Hudong hadn't announced that it would build a new district, and housing prices were very low. In Huxi, you could only pay for a single room, but you could buy a whole residential house there.

Therefore, during those two years, Su Ting successively bought many houses in Hudong.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world. In the early years when she bought a house, no one knew about it because she lived in the city and didn't have much time to go back to the Navy Yard.

But in the mid-1980s, she had graduated from a postgraduate degree and returned to live in the Navy Yard. During those two years, she frequently traveled to Hudong to buy a house. After a long time, people in the Yard started asking.

Because the houses in Hudong are cheap, Su Ting did not hide anything and revealed that she went there to buy a house. As for how many houses she bought, she didn't say, only that the place was quite big. The reason for buying a house is also very simple, she thinks the scenery there is good, and she plans to move in with He Dongchuan when He Dongchuan retires.

At the same time, she also vaguely reminded everyone that the Shanghai stock market is now engaged in development everywhere, and housing prices are rising year by year. The houses in Shanghai are worthless now, but they may not be in the future. If you have savings, you can consider buying one, maybe Prices went up after that.

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