Friday, the 16th of June

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NEW PART OF THE DIARY, LET'S GO!!! I can't believe this is the 401th part :'D

Okay. I believe in justice a bit now. Because A. C. made a complete idiot of herself. We negotioted not to have cameras on - because they would probably trigger the website where we were to havr the exam. And the technology was just against her - she had to send us the link to the exam 3 times, because some things just were not working all the time. Thank god. Finally some justice. Apart from that, I think I got 24/28 so... I PASSED! :DD

I was just emotionally tired after all of that, so I spent most of the day chilling. I was really angry with myself for being so unproductive, but oh well... Sometimes it is like that.

I got 4 for the web translation this semester. I wish I got a higher grade, but whatever now, I guess.

Rping with W. a bit in the meantime. Talked to mum on the phone for about an hour - telling her all the positive news and finally listening to what she wanted to tell me.

Was planning to read the "Midnight's Children" by Salman Rushdie till 6:30pm, because I thought that's when the speedway match was supposed to begin. But I remembered it wrong and I missed the first 4 heats. Oh well.
Leszno vs. Lublin
It sucks, because Lublin is definitely going to win...
Wasn't really focusing on the match till the 11th heat, because I was catching up with the chapters I missed.
This is so pathetic. BZ just can't stand being second even when the rider in front of him is from the same team.
I'm going to use the break to wash my hair.
Oh yeah, I forgot that Hatari has a new member. I don't remember his name, but it's the rapper from "Helviti". People criticise it a lot, but I really like it, genuinely.
I managed to wash my hair on time, but it turned out that the second match (Krosno vs. Częstochowa) was cancelled, because of the rain.
I wanted to fill the surveys during the match, but oh well... I guess I'm not doing that anymore. Maybe on Sunday then, we will see.

Reading some more of the "Midnight's Children". It's booooring.

Chilling for the rest of the evening/night. Fell asleep for some time, but then managed to wake myself up a bit. W. replied to the Hamletio rp, but I didn't have the energy to reply to it (even though I had the inspiration). BUT! I managed to write a part of a short story for her "Rooftops" (considering putting it here at some point) and I'm really proud of how it goes along.

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