Friday, the 13th of October

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Damn, it's Friday, it's 13th, and it's October. I should really watch the movie tonight, shouldn't I? Well, might think about it.

Also, thirteenth is always my lucky day, esp. when it's Friday, so I hope it's gonna be a good day :D

Also, 716 years ago (EXACTLY on Friday 13th of October) there was this thing with Jacques de Molay and Templars... you probably know the story. If not, Google it. And what the hell are you even doing here?

Managed to read "Potato Elf" by Nabokov. It was rather boring, honestly. I much preferred the "Nursery Tale". I guess next time I have to start with the second one on the list to have the better one saved for later.

I've finally watched the latest Sam and Colby video and it was EPIC. Also, the trailer at the end of it... Damn. It left me speechless.

Okay, it's pretty early to watch a movie (6:47pm). BUT! It's gonna be a horror movie (and it's already dark outside). Later I talk to W. so I won't be able. And the title is Friday the 13th so... I kind of have to watch it today.
My god... how many parts this movie has... oh well. I'm gonna start with the first (1980) one. It's probably going to be as ridiculous as the first Scream, but oh well.
Omg the quality of the sound... there's no quality xD
Cool thing? It's from the perspective of the killer and we don't even know how he looks yet.
Also, I think I know the "whisper" effect from somewhere but I have no idea from where.
Omg and now there is the Fnaf 6am sound xD it only lacks the cheering kids.
How did she not see the killer if he was right there?
My first theory - the camp owner.
Did she just get a lift by the killer?
Omg please xD that wound was so fake... the skin was just artificial. Also, that was a surprise. I thought she was going to be the protagonist.
Oh now the guy with a machete is REALLY sus.
Omg an otter! What a cutie!
Also, I just realised that it has a similar vibe to the game The Quarry.
I really hoped that one drop of blood would drop on them. But now she'll probably just end up dead.
Omg I called it! Hahaha!
Also, that really got me. I didn't expect the killer to be under the bed. And that really makes me sus of that one guy with a machete before as he literally left the other house.
Maybe it's not the guy... I think he was with the other two.
Why are they constantly getting separated? XD
My suspicions are on Steve again. Yeah, and he had that yellow coat from that girl he killed. Cause it is no longer in the bathroom. And I assume that it is the same bathroom.
Okay, I am still kinda sus of Bill.
Well... Steve is clean now, I think xD
Why would she leave alone xD
Okay, I was going to say that I will be really, REALLY confused if I see his body. And there he is.
Then I have NO idea who the killer might be. Either it's someone completely random or it's Ralph xD
Now I'm kind of invested, cause I don't know what will happen next.
Also, imagine if the killer was already inside xD
I see we have another Sidney here...
Okay so the new woman is the killer. Okay maybe not. Unless she's the mother of Jason - they boy who drowned. I called it. So obvious.
Oh wait, so that's why they call the killer in those movies Jason? (Cause I'm pretty sure that is the guys with the mask in the later movies.)
And now we have a Rapunzel with her dangerous frying pan xD
How she sailed away in that kayak was so hilarious xD
What the hell xD I did not expect Jason. Okay that was just a dream xD Wait... so it was real? XD I'm confused.
Oh there is so going to be a jump scare. Interesting, there wasn't. There would be one in a Scream movie.

Honestly? I'm talking to W. about 11pm. I might watch one more Friday the 13th (it's only 8:30pm).

Okay, Friday the 13th part 2 (1981):
What the hell is this now, IT? XD
Oho, the whispers are back.
Okay, it's her but older. So she is going to be like Sidney.
Omg a phone call. I expected to hear "What's your favourite scary movie?" hah
Wait, is the protagonist really dead?
So is it going to be about a camp again?
Wait what?! I thought Ralph was immune to all that shit.
I'm sure that a walk alone at night is a safe idea...
Why do they always swim naked? This is so weird to me...
Btw I completely forgot that Jason is supposedly still in the lake xD
Oh yeah, of course someone stole her clothes.
Scott maybe was a little hot (rhyme, intentional), but now he's fucking dead xD How did she not see the blood earlier? XD
One of the girls reminds me of Renfri.
Damn, a motorcycle accident. Don't scare me even further after what happened to me. I'm already a bit reluctant to ride a motorcycle again...
Omg is he going to get both of them? Yea! Two birds one stone.
I'm not even going to try and guess who it is this time. Like, it's probably someone we don't even know yet, or maybe just THE Jason.
How did she not see the blood on the porch? This is so dumb.
Wow, this movie passed way quicker. There's only like 20 min left. Maybe because I was texting with W. in the meantime.
Wow she just stood there and didn't even try to help xD
She didn't even take the knife what? XD Come on she knew the car wasn't working...
Did she just cut off his hand with a chainsaw? XD
Wait. Will we learn if Jason was the one from the lake or not? Also, I didn't expect that one cut to kill him. If it was him, he would just enter tho. Yeah, called it.
Also, how is the dog alive if there were his remains.
Also, the new protagonist looks like Ciri sometimes.
Also, what the hell was that ending? XD I don't understand xD

I still have a few of those movies to watch, but that's for some other day. I guess I celebrated Friday the 13th properly tho.

Reading some Witcher before talking to W.

Omg, Sam and Colby's week at the Conjuring House video will be in cinemas! This is kinda unreal. I'm so proud of them. Well... pity I can't watch it myself, cause it's gonna be in theatres in less than a week.

Talked to W. till about 3am.
Having a lot of fun and doing some irl rping. Really cool :D

Wanted to stay up and watch something, but started falling asleep.

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