Sunday, the 17th of December

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Colby's grandpa died today (it's 3:26am as I'm writing this, so it's still yesterday for them). Poor boy. Take care of yourself. He will always be by your side.

Another day of not really doing anything, honestly. Morning - just chilling. Then I went to church and there was some nice coincidence again, but I forgot to write it down and now I don't remember what it was specifically. Was it about giving happiness to others? Or about family? Anyway, lesson learnt.

Also, today is the 7th anniversary of my dad's wedding. I felt a bit werid because of that - not back then, just today. It sparked in me some thoughts and... yeah.

I posted some posts looking for a partner for a MozartxSalieri rp. And... W. wants to try and write it with me. We are supposed to start sometime in February after we watch the musical together, but today we wrote a short little piece and it was awesome :D
Can't wait.

I'm not really productive today. Just studying some languages and music for a while. I could probably focus on my thesis and go through some more poems, but I don't know... I have to go to sleep early today anyway and honestly? I just want to rest a bit before Christmas cause I'm going to be busy later in January anyway... I might revise my presentation and maybe read some poems, but I'd love to reply to some rp as well and maybe review some movies on IMDb (probablt not going to watch anything new tonight tho).

I revised the presentation and read some poems. Now I might reply to some rp (while still rping with W. a bit). But it's already 9:15pm, so I'm not even sure I will manage to do everything I wanted. I have more or less three hours before I have to go to sleep.

I managed to reply to the ghost and the demon rp. To the first one I immediately got a reply so... yeah. Also, it's been going slower than usual, but that's because I was still rping MxS with W. We have some nice ideas for it :D

It's just a normal diary (pt.3)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang