Monday, the 16th of October

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I woke up at 8am. I had at 8:30am. Yes, I made it in time. Don't ask me how, cause I have no idea.

Conversation class was really nice. It was about history, but I was paired with M. P. (not the usual male one tho) and it was so much fun. I'm really glad I could get to know her better, cause she's a really cute human being. She also complimented my accent which was so lovely :,) <33 And I knew she was really involved in listening to me, which is really what I appreciate in people.

After class - me, K. S. and M. S. went to prolong out student ids. Went rather smoothly.

On my way home - Betard tram :D

Back at home - I finally took a shower and ate something.  Cause I literally left home with no makeup and no jewellery. That was weird, but hey, I'm alive.

Sam and Colby release a trailer for the Conjuring House and OMG! It gave me literal shivers. I'm not even exaggerating. I felt shivers going down my spine, for real! This series is going to be epic!

Damn, it'd started raining so heavily and the wind is so strong just when I have to leave for my next classes... I normally LOVE such weather, but not when I have to leave.
Wow, suddenly it just got all quite.

The classes with W. D. was lovely as always :D
Lots of fun and sweetness.

Back at home - basically just chilling. Making some notes on the business translation and that's basically it. Talking to mum on the phone for a short while.

I was supposed to play mc with that one girl tonight, but she wasn't there so I played alone. Later W. joined and talked to me for about half an hour, so that was cool :D

Also, our discord server has become a bit more alive again. I wonder how long it will last...
Still no word from T., which obviously sucks, but I can't do anything about it.

Now... probably going to watch some Witcher.
Am I the only one who doesn't miss Yennefer?
Omg no... the prisoner is Cahir, isn't he...
Nooo... It is him... I remembered correctly... </3
His hair is so pretty here btw <3 :(
Not much written down cause not much really happened. I didn't remember the episode as such, but I remembered the story vividly from the book.

I might watch another one, but I think I prefer to just chill on yt for a while and eat something.
Well... you can imagine how that ended. Yes, you guessed correctly. With me falling asleep.

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