Wednesday, the 6th of September

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Oh it was a long day.

First we visited the London Chinatown. It wasn't as big as we expected, but it was still nice. And we came across the Les Mis theatre which we're going to visit tomorrow.

Later we just went to a cafe (we wanted to visit the Black Sheep, but it was nothing special and eventually we went to Soho). We had some nice fruit cocktails (W. has passion fruit and mango, I had strawberry) and I ate a blueberry muffin (as we basically didn't have breakfast).

Some woman on the train complimented my socks! (the frog ones) She said it was a nice combination with my boots :D

Then we managed to visit the British Museum of Natural History, but we didn't have time to see all of the exhibitions before it got closed (we still have to come back and see the dinosaurs and animals).

In the meantime me and W. were just rping irl as S&C (the pirate and the officer ones as well) and J. W. and S. H. That was a lot of fun.

Eventually we ended up in The Hyde Park - it was a lovely place to spend an evening in. There were a lot of flowers, ducks, and... squirrels! They weren't at all afraid of us, which was very sweet.

Finally we stopped at McDonald's to get us some food to take home.

We stayed a bit too long in London and we had to go back home after the sun already set. It was a bit creepy and we thought that someone was following us. Fortunately we got back home safely.

No fox to welcome us today, but there was this cute grey cat! :D

One general thing to mention - it's so fucking hot. I actually think this is the hottest week there... and no rain </3

We watched one episode of Sherlock (s3e1).
It's really nice how they included a theory with Sherlock x Moriarty ship. I also really like Sherlock's relationship with John, it's really adorable.
Also, it was really cool that Mycroft went out with their partent to see Les Mis. We're literally doing it tomorrow! <33

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