Friday, the 24th November

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Nothing special. Just a normal day full of me trying to be productive.

Chilling in the morning. Washed my hair after I got up.

Made my business translation notes and the translation itself. Then I proofread the apprenticeship task translation.

Chilling some more, talking to mum for a while. Trying to find some cool detective mobile game, but I wasn't really successful.

Reading some stuff for the seminar. Honestly? Jamaica Kincaid isn't that bad. I mean, the texts are completely biased, which is annoying. But at least the text have some kind of a story now and are rather understandable.

About 11:30pm, talking to W. It was really fun. I missed talking to her for the entire week so it was really nice :D
We finished about 2am. Not watching AHS today. I could probably go through one episode, but I don't really feel like it. I'm just gonna eat something really quickly and then watch yt for a while.

Yep, your guess was right. I did fell asleep. But I didn't really care about that at that point. I was going to go to sleep soon anyway.

It's just a normal diary (pt.3)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن