Thursday, the 3rd of August

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Playing AC: (SPOILERS)
"Mary's death. I have tears in my eyes. I would not expect that (me being emotional)"
"Also tears in my eyes when Edward got his robes"
"Omg the sequence after drinking alcohol is so pretty and well done"

Did some lore with B. Also, it was the first time I crafted a netherite armour on my own. Who would think? Also, B. was so so so nice and sweet. He gave me his own things as well and enchanted my armour. That man is genuinely too pure for me<33
Uploaded some new IG pics! I think they turned out great. I love their vibe.
Managed to write down one part of the lore we did at some point in the past.

Also, I have no idea why but I can't message T. Did he block me again? But if so, why? I genuinely don't know this time... This is so fucking painful...

(again, probably the only part written on that day)
Season 1, episode 21:
Omg will Mad Hatter be back in this episode? Please.
I love August. He's such a nice character.
Omg the only magic left was with Daniel... </3
Oh I knew it was going to be an apple. Nice.
Oh god, I would love to eat such a turnover right now... Maybe not with apples, but oh my god.
Interesting solution to prove it's real.
Season 1, episode 22:
The last one this season, let's go :D
The series is better than I expected it to be, honestly.
Prince Charming is epic in the fairytale reality. Like an assassin or something.
OMG THE HUNTSMAN IS BACK! He looks so hot in this suit.
Please, you have to save August.
Is it Maleficent? As a dragon? Or something?
Okay, I was right, I think. Nice.
They are a really cute couple in the tale (Snow and James).
Wait, he can't be dead... not forever. True love's kiss will save him, probably. Yeah, told you. Aww he said "I love you too" right after he woke up. That was cute.
So... everyone remembers now?
I still have no idea why Jefferson freed Belle.
I really believe that the Queen loves Henry. It seems real.
Omg I'm so happy for Rumpelstiltskin and Belle. And he said it as well <33
Omg he's going to get his son back. Please.
Oh, it's not Bealfire. It's magic. Well yeah, they needed something open for the next season.

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