Friday, the 4th of August

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Had a short argument with mum in the morning before going to the bank, but fortunately I managed to calm her down and everything was fine afterwards.
The first song that was playing in the radio when I entered the bank was Jann's "Gladiator" so that's pretty nice. What a cool bank. And the stuff was so nice in general. Now I can use pounds so that's a success :D
The town was the one where my mum used to go to school when she was learning how to be a teacher, so it was a nice journey back for her. We went sightseeing for a bit nad then stopped at a cafe. I had bubblegum ice cream, it was called "Angel"<3

Gorzów vs. Toruń
It was so cool to see the riders whom I had just high-fived not so long ago :D

Dream announced some new videos. I'm hyped :D

Częstochowa vs. Grudziądz
I didn't really watch it cause I was writing the opening to the DSMP x AC rp
And then basically I was just replying to it all the time.
Grudziądz is such a mood, one more point and they wouldn't be 7th for the 9th time in a row.
Apparently, uncle R. was in the staduim with M. and Z.

Decided not to mention any dsmp x ac replies that I will make cause I'm basically replying to it all the time. That girl makes it really short and replies immediately so... I'm not gonna try hard either. After 20 I basically stopped counting how many I had made and stopped keeping them in my notes. If anything is lost later, whatever.
In the meantime I also managed to reply to the modern Hamletio rp.

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