Friday, the 6th of October

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Oh yeah, forgot to mention - I got a cactus from mum (cause Maciek died). She's so thoughtful<33

Not playing anything in the morning. I had to wash my hair and I didn't really have the energy to do that.

Then I just added some stuff to my suitcase and after that we set off (about 1pm).

The journey was long, but not as long as I expected. It was about 4-5h. I tried to sleep while travelling, but I didn't really manage to; well, maybe for a short while, but not much cause I had a backache and I couldn't find any comfortable position for that.

And that's how we arrived in Sopot :D
The weather wasn't nice (for people in general, but it so was for me): windy and rather cold (not THAT cold, but you know).

We stayed in our little house for a while and then went for a walk on the beach. And it was awesome :D
The wind in my hair, the sand beneath my feet, and the sound of waves crashing on the shore. There were a lot of shells, which I started to pick up for myself and W.
The walk was awesome (after the sunset). It was basically just me, the sea, and music in my ears<33 (You can imagine all the fake scenarios in my head.)
I also stepped on a jellyfish! Ew! Luckily I wasn't barefoot.
Also! The whole walk reminded me about that one time when we were in Łeba in winter. And about that one cool walk I had at night with that one guy (it was in the snow and really romantic). And magically I managed to remember his name (and then easily found his surname on fb). So... while we stopped at a restaurant for dinner, I texted him. I doubt it's gonna be something permanent, but I guess it was worth a try.
One of the waiters here looks like GNF. Omg he had a break and sat right next to me.

Back at our home (it's more like a cabin, but it's really nice and comfy), replied to the demon rp.

Watched one episode of Sherlock with mum and replied to the demon rp once again.

Okay, I wanted to watch sth and my choice turned out to be Przedwiośnie. Don't ask any questions. I like the relationship between Cezary and Hipolit.
Omg, the film is one year older than me...
Wait... why is it in Russian (or sth). Is it going to change later? Okay, it did change.
Okay, Cezary kinda hot for now.
The foreign parts are so annoying. Please stop.
Omg I forgot how I loved his revolutionary character. Now I really want to read the book once again.
Oh yeah, the glass houses bullshit starts now.
"Wcześniej widziałem ciała dyrektorów, rewolucjonistów, magnatów... Różniły się tylko głębokością ran." Sorry for this polish quote in the middle, but it was a really nice line. Let's go, Cezary.
Hipolit Wielosławski, let's go!! I love their relationship. What a ship<33
Mmm Julek kinda hot.
Omg, I didn't remember that he saved Hipolit's life.
It's time for the plot in Nawłoć. The best part (well... skipping the plot with the girls).
Aww, he called him "rodzony przyjaciel".
Oh damn, how close they got. They nearly kissed.
Him during the ball, in that shirt >>> kinda hot.
Why can't he be with Hipolit...
This is so sad that the girls changed him... YES EXACTLY! He said it himself.
Nooo... Julek is dying...
"Ciekawe jak długo jeszcze będziemy zwalać wszystko na zaborców.", damn, this is so true even nowadays.
Wait... is Julek really called Lulek? Am I deaf? Cause now I really think that was his name in the original.
I really need to reread the book (my final note as the film finished). I didn't even remember that Cezary (SPOILER) dies at the end.

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