Friday, the 3rd of November

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This was both a really sad and a good day.

My last day with W.
We woke up at about 8am cause she had online classes. But she basically slept through it all, talking to me from time to time.

Then we just left for the train, first travelling by tram.
At the station we had a really nice rp with S (JD) and C. That was really cool<33
Fortunately, I had no issues with finding my place and the ticket controller was nice this time.
The whole journey passed rather quickly. I even fell asleep a few times, I think. The whole journey was rainy as well.

Mum and J. picked me up from the train station. That was when I started crying, in the car, to be specific. I don't know. I think I realised how much I'm going to miss W. (and also how much work I will have now and that I will be alone for the most time).

At home - spent some time just chilling with them and rping with W. a bit in the meantime, the Ghostface one. (We also rped while I was on the train - the meal rp.)

Then mum, J. and I went to a concert (visual music - epic and films).
It was pouring down just as we had to leave the car. But it was a funny journey.
The concert itself was really nice tho I preferred the game music one. I'm not saying this one wasn't cool tho! It totally was!

We came back rather late, about 11pm. They left and I was alone again (this time completely). First thing I did - I wrote this chapter. Now it's time to take a shower and then watch the last part of the Conjuring House. Hopefully W. comes back in the meantime so that we could rp a bit more tonight.

Last match. It's time to finish Hell Week.

Oh my god... I need to breathe for a second cause that episode was fucking emotional.
Because of how long it is, I might even forget to put down some stuff I wanted to mention.
The Estes Method with George and Niki was crazy. Definitely one of the best I've ever seen.
I also did not expect to see a dnf reference in their video.
Weird coincidence - while watching I got a Mario ad which basically started with the words "Onward and Upward"... How is that even possible?
Sam staying in the basement... I. would. never. That was horrifying. The fact that he also apologised to Colby for going there alone before and Colby just caring so much about him >>>
I cried so much during the tarot reading and the end in general. I am so happy that they got to experience this and to go through all the tough stuff together.
Like Abigail and the others have said - it's all about love in the end and that's just so beautiful. I can't even express how grateful I am that I could discover those guys at this point in my life. I feel like it changed a lot for me and gave me some completely new insight. Now, I FULLY believe in ghosts, there is no way they are not real, unless Sam and Colby are faking everything. But they just could not. That is simply not possible. If it is, all my faith in humanity is gone.
I probably skipped a lot of things I wanted to mention, but my mind is such a mess rn...
I'll try and add anything I might remember later.
Oh yeah, Sam was wearing the black denim jacket in this video as well. I'm so happy I actually managed to get this one. Now I'm just waiting for it to get delivered. Them in all those videos tho >>>

Oh yeah, also, I REALLY hope that some day Sam and Colby might try the knocking method together. I feel like they are soulmates and that it could work for them.

Managed to reply to the pirate rp (cause I got a reply from W. while watching the Conjuring episode). Man, I haven't written anything since I don't even know when.

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