Saturday, the 15th of July

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Some more quotes from me playing AC IV BF:
"I love the sequences with hacking computers and stealing stuff btw", 'Exciting", "I wonder if it's for the assassins", nothing changed - I still love it very much
"'Have fun pirating' now I wonder if that was an allusion to me wanting to steal more data or just to my job in Abstergo"
"He is like Hetch omg"
"Edward has black robes now and he looks so damn hot"
As you can clearly tell, I really enjoy playing the modern lore. But the pirate one is epic too!

I finished reading "Fantastic Beasts" and started reading "Through the History of Magic" (or something like that - I got to lazy to check the original title this time)

It's MCC day, but I doubt I will be watching it as it's also GP day. Maybe after the speedway tournament for a while.

W. agreed to make this pirate-British general (S&C) rp with me! Now this is epic!

(the only "live" part is literally beneath; I haven't been writing for a week, don't ask me for reasons again)
I forgot that the GP was in Malilla today. It's the Swedish home track of Magic, Dan and AL :D
They took a group photo and Woffy was standing next to Magic and he clasped him with his arm 🥺
Good luck, boys!!
Heat 1: Poor Woffy. He was second, but finished last </3
Magic was apparently second during the practice session :D
Heat 2: Magic unfortunately finished last as well.
Heat 3: Bartosz wanted to make Dan fall and Holder made him fall instead. Hell yeah! :D AND HE GOT EXCLUDED <33 Congrats Dan! Victory in Magic's style!
I love when the commentators call Scott Nichols "Scotty". It's so cute<3
And now we have a break before the 4th heat, cause someone from the audience isn't feeling good and the medical care has to deal with that.
Heat 4: A.L. with two points.
B.Z. wasn't even on the list xD because he raced no full races and got excluded. This is just amazing.
Heat 5: Oh no, AL and Magic against BZ. Fuck this. Magic was last again. AL second.
Heat 8: Oh no. I knew there was going to be Woffy, but there's also Dan Bewley... Woffy was last, but finished first! Let's go! Dan with one point.
Interview with Woffy. He's so cute, damn. And his smile >>>
Heat 10: Magic vs Dan :( Magic nearly fell and that's why he was last again </3 I think it's over for him today. At least Dan was second.
Heat 11: BZ second xD nearly third
Heat 12: Woffy's heat. But MV (6pts so far) is here as well, unfortunately. Tai third unfortunately, nearly second. AL second at least.
Heat 13: Dan Bewley third.
Heat 14: AL was excluded for hitting the tape.
Heat 15: Please, Magic, score some big points. He was third, but it was close to him scoring two points.
Heat 16: Oh no, it's going to be Woffy vs BZ. Woffy third, unfortunately. RL nearly got BZ.
Heat 19: Dan only third. Might not be in the semi. RL last and AL second.
Heat 20: The most painful. It's Woffy vs Magic. And neither of them probably has a chance to advance to the semi. (Woffy would have to win and that still might not be enough.) Magic was third, Woffy was last.
Semi 1: Dan was second! And is joined in the final by Lindgren :D
Semi 2: Dudek and Vaculik advanced to the final. Lambert was last. BZ is out! :D
Woffy finished 12th and Magic 15th
Final: Lindgren excluded unfortunately after a crush. Omg his wife's name is Carolina. I think I knew about it but completely forgot. OMG DAN BEWLEY WON!! MV was second and PD was third.
Damn, Dan advanced to three finals so far and he won all of them. It's 100% effectiveness.
Woffy is 9th in general and Magic is 13th... ugh, now I'm really worried we won't see them the next year.

Decided to watch a bit of MCC; Sap's pov (Green Geckos).
No Punz so it sucks.
Not reporting all the games cause I just started watching from the 5th one (exactly in the middle of the tournament, let's go!). Sap finished 6th in the Ace Race, gg, the race was so looong.
Sap did amazing in parkour warrior. He is so skilled, I can't. Definitely one of the best mc players ever.
Might switch to watch Eret for the finale if he's in the dodgebolt. We will see.
Switched to Eret's pov (Aqua Axolotls) for the dodgebolt.
Red Rabbits won tho - 3:2; it's first Ranboo's win tho so at least that's nice.

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