Saturday, the 19th of August

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Aunt M. visited today. I think she's staying here till tomorrow.

Wearing the one black dress with a low neckline which I thought I lost somewhere.

M. (J.'s son) visited us today as well. He was really nice. And I'm actually glad I could meet him again cause I was always rather sceptical about him. That definitely changed. I mean, technically he's my stepbrother now. He gave me two really nice and tight hugs. And, while leaving, he also wished me good luck with my studies. That was so thoughtful of him and actually sweet<33

Managed to "finally" (I know it's only been two days, but it feels like ages) reply to the ouat 2:2 rp. I think I did great. I tried to finally line out my oc's personality and I think I managed to do that pretty well.

I should probably write something more today, but honestly? I think I'm going to play The Wolf now (even though it's only 7:17pm). I have to remember to wash my hair later.
Omg is this really the last chapter already? Damn. This game is actually shorter than I remembered.
I really can't wait to see the finale. Everyone is going to be against me, damn.
Damn, it's showing me all of my bad choices straightaway at the beginning. This is so nice.
Maaan, I got goosebumps at the intro<33
Oh damn, this game gets so brutal if you let it... (Georgie's death).
Damn, the game just reminded me how majestic is Bigby's wolf form.
Theory one could use for a fanfic: All of the copies turned to glass after death. The last one turned to glass as well. One could assume that was just another copy and the real Bloody Mary hid somewhere and survived in the end. Imagine if she appeared in the second game and it turned out I was right.
Okay, not it's time to actually take him alive and see what the citizens think about be. Cause I intentionally fucked up all of them to see this.
It's time to see if they hate me of the Crooked Man more.
Snow is like a combination of Regina and Emma.
I ripped his head at the end. I guess that was the "brutal" way. I never released him, which is kind of interesting.
I'm gonna carry both of the endings after I do some language exercises.
I don't know if I'm gonna continue after all. I'm just currently sitting at the table, talking to mum, J., and aunt M.

This means they're going to upload the Conjuring House video any day now. It might be today, it might be tomorrow, it is definitely going to be soon!
I'm hyped! And of course so proud of them <33
I'm probably going to watch the video on Monday. (today is too late and tomorrow I'm not at home) Anyway, it's going to be epic and I know it. Now I really wonder if and if yes how it's going to change my life.

Washed my hair and replied to the ouat 2:2 rp again! Yes, I had a lot of inspiration today, it seems. Probably also because the aunt is staying at our place so I'm not watching ouat with mum. And also, I won't be able to reply tomorrow, being on a trip with uncle R. so... yeah. I just wanted to reply cause Killian is too fucking tempting, all right? Don't judge me.
Ugh, that girl replied immediately. Oh well. I'm probably not gonna have time to reply tomorrow (even though it's gonna be tempting), so she'll have to wait.

Also, Sam and Colby might actually post the video as a part of the Hellweek so it might not be published now. At least that's what some people say. Anyway, I'm gonna wait as long as I have to, cause I know it's gonna be worth it.

Anyway, probably not going to fo anything specific now. Just maybe text W. (rp if she wants to, but probably not) and watch some YouTube videos (maybe the Sorry episodes I missed). Good night :D

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