Thursday, the 30th od November

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This is going to be a short chapter utterly lacking details, cause it's alreasy 11:30pm (exactly) as I'm starting to write it and I haven't even finished my work for today yet, so...

Morning. Nothing special happened, honestly. Not cosplaying anyone today, so again I put on some witchy-style clothes (this time I made it more heavy metal than witchy tho, I finally pulled out my BVB T-shit from the wardrobe).

Seminar wasn't bad. We just discussed the Jamaica Kincaid's texts and also wrote something (I have no idea what the point of that writing was, but oh well). Bad thing - we still have some homework to do - some short essay (she didn't tell us the deatils again). And probably some more reading for the next class, but of those we were not informed as well... (How am I supposed to manage my time if I don't know how much work to do I have?)
Class with A. P. passed rather quickly today. It was rather cool to see her being ironic about the confusing story of "Lost in the Funhouse". I love the way she discusses literature.

Ordering some food while going back home.
It arrived rather on time, I didn't have to wait long.

Just chilling more or less till about 9pm (longer than I wanted to). But then I got productive. I did the whole business translation in one sitting and then proceeded to reading the text for the next class with A. P. - "The Oranging of America" by Max Apple (I like the fruity combination of the title and the author xD). I am more or less in the middle of the reading now, but I took a short break to write down all that happened today. I will go back to reading in a second.

Of course in the meantime I had some interactions with people from some rps and with W. She replied to the short rp we had in private messages (the engagement plot), but we didn't really carry it that much forward as both of us were rather busy today. I still hope we might continue it a bit later, but it all depends on W., I guess.

Okay, back to reading now. It would be perfect to finish it before midnight and then just simply watch something. (It's 11:38pm currently.)

Omg BC are releasing a new album and merch. I really need to talk to mum about it tomorrow.
Oh yeah, they also released a new song - Die Another Day. I was sceptical about it as it is with some other person, but it turned out really nice.

Time to randomly pick a movie for tonight.
I eventually decided to watch The Lost King, but unfortunately I only found a Polish version. Oh well. I'm not gonna pick another movie now.
Omg the image of London is going to make me so nostalgic...
Okay the king is kinda handsome. Also, I would LOVE to see the play in a theatre. Richard III noted. I am stalking the actor rn and wait... who was he in GoT? OMG YES! I knew he seemed familiar! He played Viserys. It seems so obvious now.
It's a really cool plot that she sees him now.
Is this Cambridge again? Or am I wrong?
What a poor boy just sitting there xD
This is the polish version of the movie, so the quotes have to be, unfortunately, in polish as well. "Wiem, że jesteś zjawą. Odejdź i zostaw mnie w spokoju, proszę. To teren prywatny." XD he is definitely moved by that
"Sztuka jest barwniejsza od prawdy." unfortunately true.
Oh it's Edinburg.
"Jeśli zakłamuje się prawdę od początku i konsekwentnie, kłamstwo staje się prawdą."
"Chce pani przystąpić do grupy? Wydaje się, że jest pani normalna." XD
Omg her talking to him.
Damn, she now realised that her and him have some things in common. Also, is he going to talk at all?
"Nie mogę oderwać wzroku od pańskiej fryzury. Przypomina pan w niej króla Ryszarda. Czy to umyślne?" "... Tak." lovely xD
Can people hear her talking to herself tho? XD
His little smiles awww >>
"Chciałem Cię rozbawić." aww what a sweetheart
"O nic mnie nie pytałaś."<33
Not the R scene xD I remember it from the trailer xD
What an asshole.
She does. She actually has King Richard.
Omg his (Richard's) facial expressions are kind of like Joel's.
Omg the frog drawing in the background.
Him resting against the tree >>
Yep. I knew it was going to be like that...
I have no idea how their relationship works.
WHY IS HE NOT THERE?! This is actually so sad...
Omg they're going to take up the Richard case. Cool.
Is this Mary from Sherlock?! Yep. I was right :D
Sarah is the hero! <3
Omg he gave her the money. This is called redemption arc.
What an asshole.
Omg he has a horse now :D
This sucks so much now. This is so unfair. If only Richard III could speak for himself.
He back! :D
Oh what the hell? Oh yeah, the actor. Cool :D
The discrepancy... But I'm sure she has much more satisfaction.
Omg she got a title from the Queen! That's cool :D
(Oh what the hell, it's 2:25am already? Well... I still wanted to publish some rp posts so fuck me, I guess.)

I did post those posts after all. It's 3:18am already so I should probably get ready and just go to sleep. The problem is - I'm not sleepy and I feel like I could do something more. At the same time I should probably do some uni work (even though I still don't know what to do for the seminar) in the morning before mum and J. arrive.

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