Saturday, the 4th of November

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Not much happened today in comparison to the rest of the week.

Stayed in bed a little longer watching Sapnap watching the third episode of the Conjuring. Ngl, got a bit upset with people in the chat debunking and criticising the knocking method so badly. I don't know. I still believe it, but ugh...

Then I decided to finally do something productive so I sat down to do the notes for the literary theories. I feel like in the text there weren't all the information, but whatever. I did what I could.
Then I caught up with my language notes and read Here by McGuire. Just the excerpts of it, I meant. It was really confusing but I kinda liked it, you could say.

I also caught up with some Dawko's vids about the FNAF movie. It was really cute to see him all happy about it. Same with Eleven. Even though I'm not as enthusiastic about the movie as they are.

Oh yeah, a bit earlier I also managed to rp with W. for a short while. We are also to rp more later in the evening as we have a really nice plot planned :D

While I'm writing this I'm basically waiting for my Sims 4 to download some uploads (yes, I wanna play and create more fucked up scenarios (like those I created with W.)).

Dahmer time!
Why is Jeff basically absent in this episode. I get it, it has to raise some social problems to the spotlight, but still...
Oh damn, the smile. Why is it so compelling?
Omg the sandwich scene.
"Take back the complaint. I made you a sandwich." it seems so easy to him, damn.

Not going to rp with W. tonight cause she is not in the mood. Might reply to the pirate one then (cause she's just replied).
I did so indeed. Now I might watch one more episode of Dahmer.

Omg he will be talking to his father.
Aww. I did not expect a hug.
He looks so sad... </3
"How's grandma?"
Wow this series really makes you feel sorry for him...
I really like Shari.
"Wow. Okay." omg that's his reaction to seeing himself on the front pages.
Wow, he doesn't even want to get anyway with this.
This white shirt. He is like an angel. Who would think...
Damn, he is so calm and peaceful.
I wonder if he will say anything. Omg I did not expected him to have anything.
Oh wow. The father actually took the blame.
The mother is going to kill herself, isn't she? Oh okay. It was just a failed attempt.
Now I really wonder what the last two episodes will be about. Everything is over now.

Then I just wanted to chill for some time. But obviously I fell asleep...

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