Wednesday, the 30th of August

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Finished watching the "Killer Frequency" and omg, Seán just referenced the Scream 2 movie. And I'm going to watch it tonight probably. Nice coincidence. I mean, sure the game is similar in some aspects, but still.

Watched one episode of ouat with mum.

Rping with W. (S&C)

Playing AC:
Oh yeah, yesterday I got the Mayan armour. I won't be wearing it tho, I don't think so, even if it's really bulletproof. I just don't really like the way it looks - it's too artificial and looks like wood.
I did the Wolfpack part of the multiplayer. But I don't think I can do more than that.
I found the kraken easter egg :D

Watched one more episode of ouat with mum and spent some time going through photos from my childhood (it was late evening/early night already).

I think I'm gonna watch Scream 2 now. It's nearly 10pm already so... high time.
Omg they made a movie "Stab". It's like that one idea I had - to make a party with everyone dressed as Scream and let the killer enter. OMG they actually gave people the costumes. I did not expect that. Now I wonder if they will be able to take those home. If yes... everyone is going to be a suspect.
Hell yeah! Finally the real one!
Damn, he did that in front of everyone. What a nice scene.
(Drinking a nonalcoholic beer in the meantime- blackcurrant and lime - really good!)
Poor Randy.
Gale Weathers looks nice in this new hair.
I really like Sid's clothes.
Dewey is back!
Oh god. Death by falling...
I might have spoiled this for myself. I think that guy who is so for sequels is one of the killers.
Is her boyfriend the second one...? I don't know. He is a bit sus.
One killer is someone who knows the house, I think.
Omg I like the parallel with the names.
Oo Dahmer reference. I should probably watch that movie as well.
Is Derek trying to get an alibi by singing?
Omg the killer is in the theatre. That's awesome.
Damn, is Randy really dead? But he's one of the main characters...
Wait, is Joel one of the killers? He's a black guy, that would be an unexpected twist.
Cotton is weird as well. But that would be a bit too obvious.
How is it that the security guards are the fucking worst at fighting?!
Oh damn, the car scene is actually really tensed.
The therapist is so going to die...oh surprisingly not. Why didn't Sid take his mask off? Now he probably won't be there. Yep, I called it. And I called her death as well. That was predictable.
Why would she go to the theatre in the middle of the night? Can't she go to somewhere where there's a lot of people?
Okay, I got Mickey right. But that was the one spoiler I had (to some extent). Now I think he might actually work alone. Derek is not the second one. BILLY'S MOTHER IS THE SECOND ONE?! Oh damn, that was unexpected. I mean, Séan did mention that there was some twist involving a parent, but I wouldn't think of that.
I hate that woman's eyes. Too big. Like Jeff the Killer's.
Yeah, I expected Gale to be alive. Her death wasn't visual enough.
Dewey is alive! :D
Sidney is similar to one of my aunts/cousins.

I watched the Scream 3 trailer and damn, the detective is hot.
Wait... is Randy alive? How?

Now I'm probably just gonna chill and watch some YouTube or maybe continue rping with W. if she wants to.

W. made a Scream edit with BC for me <33

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