Tuesday, the 31st of October

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Damn, we went to sleep about 5am.
That's some step back to how it used to be.

Forgot to mention that I got a sick Ghostface mask from W.! It's actually much better than the one I had already.

The day was really cool and chill to some extent. We were just chilling, rping, having fun in general, even playing Assassin's Creed for a while. W. seemed to really like it. Then she had some online classes and then we were supposed to go to the cinema and watch the FNAF movie but something happened (I don't want to give any details) and W. lost her good mood. Pity, cause we only have two more days together, but oh well. Things happen. I can only be as supportive as I possibly could.

Sam and Colby released the final episode of Conjuring. I'm probably going to watch it on Friday after we come back from the concert. From now on I just need to try really hard and avoid all the spoilers. I guess no Twitter and TikTok for me for some time.

Now sure yet how we will spend the rest of the evening. We were also supposed to watch the sixth Scream movie, but I guess we'll see how it goes. Everything to make W. feel better at this point.

Eventually we watched one episode of Dahmer (s1e5) and the deleted episode of Sherlock (the other version of the first episode).

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