Saturday, the 2nd of December

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Funny thing. Right after I went to sleep (about 3:30am) we (whole Wrocław) got an alert message about some dangerous man on the loose (the details came 15min later, but I was already alseep again). I checked the news in the morning - the man had shot two police officers and escaped. Fortunately, he had already been arrested again by the time I was checking the news. But still... It was such a weird situation. It felt unreal to some extent. I don't know... I would be afraid of going back home after dark if he wasn't captured...

The day was rather boring - our seminar prof assignes us some stuff to read so I devoted my day to doing it. She didn't send any instructions for the essay, so we decided to collectively not write it unless the instructions follow. Hopefully it will work.
Also, the man responsible for apprenticeship announced the final date of us handing in the documents. It's the 21st of January. There is no way I"m going to finish my apprenticeship until then. Like... In such case I will have to send the documents to Ł. G. at the beginning of January to have them signed... So I have more or less a month to do the second half of my apprenticeship... Ugh... I will have to lie on my apprenticeship programme, won't I?

Like I said - I'm mainly just focusing on reading the assigned essays. I already read 4 of them, I'm still left with some longer pieces, but the instruction was to read as much as we can so... I will read some parts of it and call it a day.

I've been listening to Die Another Day the whole day. It is a masterpiece. I sent it to some people (K. C. for example) and they really liked it. Also, I learnt that H. N. used to watch S&C (and she also plays Phasmophobia, so we might play it together at some point if I buy it).
In terms of music, I really should listen to Palaye Royale's new song. I've heard a few seconds of it and I fell in love so...

Also, it's Thankmas today, but of course I don't have time to watch it. I want to focus on the work for the seminar so that I can spend the whole Sunday revising for the test on Wednesday (or writing the essay if the prof sends us some instructions (hopefully not)). And later I'm talking to W. I wonder if we will discuss the whole thing we were supposed to discuss. I wish we would, for real, even though the atmosphere might be kinda heavy afterwards, I would love to resolve it in a very friendly and calm way.

Also - new ig photo (actually from yesterday's night).

Anyway, back to reading. I might update this chapter only in the middle of the night, after talking to W.

We finished talking already past 3:30am, I think - that's why I didn't even write the ending of this chapter yesterday.

But yeah, W. and I started talking about 11:30pm. We didn't raise the topic I wanted us to, but eventually I asked W. afterwards if we could do so next time and she agreed. We had a lot of fun - I was just sitting in front of the window, watching snow in the meantime. Then we played Mc for quite a time and then just talked again.

I went to sleep past 4am, I think. I wasn't really tired, but I wanted not to wake up too late in the morning.

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