Tuesday, the 17th of October

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This was the worst fucking day in a really long time.

I woke up at 9:30am only to get an email about 9:45am considering my apprenticeship. We got the first (group) task even though I don't even have the insurance and the contract... One person was supposed to divide the work in three parts for every person and she haven't done it yet (it's fucking 5:41pm currently) and the translation is due to 8pm the next day. I have no fucking idea what's going on. Also, the text is kinda messed up - it's some difficult medical translation with a lot of text formating so... good luck to us. Even if I got my part today, I would probably have to stay up to do it at least partially (and I don't have time to do it tomorrow). Fantastic...

The only thing I want to do today is cry. Genuinely. I'm just so mentally tired rn...

Well... At least I was productive in the meantime. I finished the business translation task (with three translation samples inclused) and made my literaty theories notes. So at least that is done now.

You can probably tell that it was a busy day, cause I didn't even publish this before midnight (I'm writing this at 6:05pm the next day).

We had this online meeting concerning the apprenticeship. Then I finally got my insurance. And then I finally got my part of the group translation we had to do. And so, I just sat down and managed ot do it in two hours, more or less. Wasn't that bad. But it was medical stuff so it was pretty difficult.

Then I chilled for a while and just went to sleep, cause it was midnight already.

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