Thursday, the 14th of September

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I forgot to mention that yesterday, but my Ghostface mask is here. I mean, it was here ages ago, but I could finally try it on. It's a bit different than I thought it'd be, but it'll do for now, I think.

Yesterday mum reminded me about some sew-on patches I wanted to put on my black jeans jacket (tho I only have two for now), so I ordered some more today - L'manburg flag one, two Hatari ones, Blind Channel one, and a Scream one :D
Those patches are more expensive than I expected them to be... I need to wait when they go cheaper or sth...

I also filled the bursary form, but I doubt I will get some money this year. I don't know, once again it all depends on other people.

I was in the middle of writing a reply for the Sheriarty rp when W. messaged that I probably won't be able to visit her anymore. My mood just dropped down immediately and I wanna cry. I miss her so much and we had so little time together this summer. This is actually painful.

I finished the reply and I think it turned out good.

Also, they published out timetable and all the sign up forms... this is so fucked up. There are numerous registrations, like 5 of them at the same time. How on earth are we possibly going to manage to do that? This is so unfair... I'm already getting stressed and the university year hasn't even started yet.

Replied to the Sheriarty for the second time cause W. did so as well :D
And W. liked it again so I'm happy.

I had a difficult conversation with mum about my further studies. I'm genuinely lost.

I think I kind of solved the university problem. At least the future one. Not sure yet, but I have high hopes.

Created two character profiles for the new scream rps. Well... I've created one and then only changed the name of the character, but still!

Time to watch something. I think it's gonna be Sherlock :D
I think it's time for the special episode.
Oh this is the Victorian one! That's cool!
It took me ages to find it, but I finally have it ready :D
I love this alternate reality. This is so lovely so far (intro point).
Billy (<3) is so cute, like little Billzo or Gavroche 🥺
And Mrs. Hudson is as cool as always.
"For God's sake, give her some lines, she's perfectly capable of starving us!" XD <33
"You may speak freely in front of him as he barely understands a word." XD pls this is perfect
"Marry Christmas" xn "Thank God that's over." <3
"I feel Scotland Yard has reached a new low." my god, I LOVE the sense of humour in this episode.
Is Molly a man here or is she just dressed as one? Okay so she IS just pretending.
The "like" by Watson at the end of the silent conversation was so cute.
Yeah, I was expecting Mary to work for Mycroft.
"Pass me your revolver, I have a sudden need to use it." What a lovely friend Sherlock is.
YOOOO "Miss Me?" APPEARED HERE AS WELL! Are we going to see Moriarty here? Please, I'd love to... LETS GO!!! He IS here! <33
"You have a surprisingly comfortable bed." WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN JIM?!
Okay this scene is so hot...
Interesting transition to the current reality. I liked it a lot.
But it's really disappointing that Jim isn't back. They gave to many clues that it'll be so.
Aww Mycroft is kinda cute. I like how he cares.
"How would we fill the time if you didn't ask questions?" <33
Yo, the waterfall scenery is so pretty and fitting for their duo :D
Aww Mycroft again.
Damn, this was a really nice episode. Definitely one of the best :D
I think I'm gonna rewatch the episodes I watched with W. Like... I focused on them, but they were really nice. I know that I should just watch something new or focus on writing, but... you know.

Now I'm probably just gonna chill on YouTube or sth. I think I'm catching some cold so I might actually go to sleep earlier today.

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