Wednesday, the 29th of November

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Cosplyaing as Scandinavia Hvergelmir today! Don't worry that you have no idea who that is. It's just my oc from the Witcher rp. But I'm gonna tell you one thing- the cosplay turned out soooo great, I genuinely loved it as a whole and all the little references.

Philosophy was nothing special today as we discussed this weird animation.

A bit longer break today as we didn't have the contrastive grammar class.

The literary theory class finished earlier today as well! That was really nice :D
I think we saved about 20min. I went to buy myself some dinner and there was no queue; what a lucky day. Talking to mum for some time.

Then basically chilling in the afternoon and the early evening.

Time to read something for today, cause A. P. actually asked us today if we could discuss some different text (not this weird "Pierre Menard...", which is good in a way, I think). I would be pissed, cause I read the other text already, but I can't be angry with her. I just can't.
The title is "Lost in the Funhouse". The author is John Barth. We actually discussed "Fun Home" on Monday with W. D. Is this about a funeral home again? We will see, I guess. 22 pages to go through. I expected it to be a bit shorter, but whatever. It's not like I have a lot of other things to to this evening. I want to try and go through the text for the next philosophy class as well.
I finished reading the "Lost in the Funhouse" and this time it was not about a funeral home XD It was really weird, it had some broken sentences and some mentions about the creative process. It's not like I didn't like it. It was OK. If it was longer, however, it would be tiring to read.
Time to try and go through the text for the next philosophy class. The title is "SCHRÖDINGER'S CAT" by Ursula K. Le Guin. Also, funny thing: yt recommended me a Philza's video with Will in which they built a schrodinger's box with a rabbit. Nice coincidence. I wonder if I'm gonna use it for the read. This one was much better (and shorter - only 7 pages). I would love to know what happened to the cat tho! Well... I guess that's the Shrodinger's dilemma - we will never know.

New ig photo! I actually took it for W., just passing the sculpture. But I liked it afterwards. Plus, I haven't published anything since I've been to the exhibition with mum and J.

Choosing a random movie for today.
Stuart: A Life Backwards it is. Not that long anyway. If I don't like it, I will just chill on yt afterwards. HOWEVER! It's a Benedict Cumberbatch movie, so it's definitely worth a try :D Omg his name here is Alexander. And omg this voice will for ever be Sherlock to me.
Omg am I going to see London here? :,)
Omg I was right! The moment I saw that building I knew it was Cambridge<33 I am literally so proud of myself.
"And, uh, then really, for the first time in my life I actually began to take a real and practical interest in the homeless. Fuck off, pisshead!" I love this guy xD Also, this is basically Sherlock's backstory.
"My name's Psycho, but you can call me Stuart, if you like." Lovely xD
"Mind the step." <3
Damn, I would not sleep there with them.
(I just got AC Syndicate for PC for free.)
I would not eat that...
Writing a book backwards is an interesting idea btw.
Aww, the scene with a money was kinda cute.
"You're all right, Alexander."<3
Birmingham xD
Omg Jekyll and Hyde reference :D
"Ain't been this happy since he was a little boy." </3
Not him enumerating all his crimes but assuring he won't cause any trouble xD
He was so happy there :,)
"Stop whatever illegal thing it is" xD
12 years old? Damn.
9? Ugh...
Now Benedict looks totally like Sherlock (funeral).
Oh yeah, we have no idea what the tape was fully about. Okay, I had tears in my eyes while listening to it.
No way, he died the year I was born.
That movie was rather OK. Nothing special or something I would rewatch, but I'm glad I have movies like that on my to-watch list :D

Replied to the Witcher rp. Took me a while. Now I have more or less half an hour before I should go to sleep so I might just read for a while.

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