Sunday, the 10th of September

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We finally opened some windows in our house. W. overcame her fear of possible spiders entering.

Watched one episode or GF before going out and bought some zoo tickets for tomorrow.

Travelling wasn't as bad as yesterday today.

First we went to Camden Town. There were a lot of cool shops (with metal/street/gothic clothes as well<33), but we didn't really buy anything.
W. lost her good humour in the meantime (I have no idea why; maybe because she couldn't find anything to buy for her two friends or sth), but, fortunately, it passed.
There was some rain finally! (Well... like five drops, but that's something I guess; I feel blessed now.)

After that we went to Trafalgar Square again. We went to Soho Cafe to buy some crushes; no strawberry ones (cause they were basically closing) so I got the same as W. - passion fruit and mango. It was nice. We drank it sitting on the fountain on Trafalgar Square.
Later we went to Pizza Express (the same as before, and the man that looks a bit like Moriarty was there again; W. and I already started to come up with some lore for him and one other waiter); we had the same pizza - La Reigne and I drank the elderflower sparkling drink again, really nice :D
Then (after some quick shopping at Tesco) we went back to Trafalgar Square, back to our place on the fountain. We had some nice irl S. angel and C. vampire rp there :D
The weather was so nice for just sitting in places like that and chilling. It wasn't too hot and there was some gentle wind. Very nice in general <33

Going back home was nice as well. W. and I basically did some irl rp again - her as S. H. and I tried my best as J. M.; it was interesting, I have to admit, I think I'm slowly getting better at it.

Back at home - J. was sending me some speedway scores as he watched the match.
Of course Lublin won their match, but fuck them, they are not important.
Sparta vs. Toruń was far more interesting. There were (apparently; damn, I need to watch the repeat at some point) so many emotions. Poor boys (the one that stood in for Woffy and Magic) got sent to the hospital. But eventually we WON! 51:39, let's go :D We only needed 45p. Congrats, boys! I'm so proud of you<33

Finished watching 365 Days with W.
Omg it was hilarious XD
W. and I were just constantly making jokes about it.

After that I watched my hair (still using no hot water; I guess I need some refreshment).

Now I'm waiting for W. to come back. Hopefully we can still watch something before going to sleep, even though we need to wake up a bit earlier tomorrow as we're going to the zoo.

We started watching the Witcher season one episode one when a barn funnel weaver climbed on our bed and stopped right next to my feet! And then... it hid under our bed.
And that was it when it comes to a peaceful night. We wasted about 30min or more to look for it but with no effect. Damn, we're gonna be so paranoid about it... I guess that means no opening windows ever again in this house...

Yep, that was the end of our chilling. After that we just went to sleep.

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