Thursday, the 27th of July

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(Written on the spot - this was a really lucky day. Who knows, maybe because the date is my lucky number :D)

It's Saturday, the 5th of August already and I'm writing this only now. Well, at least I have some notes from what happened, cause actually a lot happened that weekend.

I went for a walk with mum.
We stopped at a cafe. I had some ice cream with sprite. It was actually really nice. I exchanged some sweet texts with T. in the meantime. I was really glad to find him actually remembering the time we spent together at that place.
After that, me and mum went to the market square, cause there was an autograph session with all the remainin speedway teams.
There was so many people, so I actually didn't even join the queue (my mum did; also, funny fact - when me and mum were going to the cafe, we crossed the markt square and the queue was nearly non-existent back then, we could've easily joined), but I had the pleasure of standing in front of the French team all the time, with M. T. right in the middle (really handsome one). That was actually the exact moment when I forgave them for pushing Finland out of the play-off. Surprisingly, I managed to get an autographs from ... (and here the story breaks, at least for now. why? check my 5th of August chapter - it was a moment of crisis, might continue this later, but not sure yet).
(Continuing to write this on the 7th of August. I think I'm ready now to catch up with all the chapters. I hope so at least.)
So, I managed to get autographs from Dimitri Berge, David Bellego, and Mathias Tressarieu. And then, when all of them were leavinf, I managed to high five a few of the riders: Patryk Dudek, Maciej Janowski (<33), omg his smile and sight when he was high-fiving me is priceless, he genuinely looked like an angel and was so happy. (That was not the end of the high fives, but I need to put sth else in the middle to go chronologicaclly). There was also BZ and he was so pathetically lost, because nearly no one wanted a high five form him and no one paid any attention to him. That was just awesome.
After that me and mum spotted Woffy in the crowd and followed him - I got two awesome photos with him :D
Then we went back to the bus which was supposed to take the riders back to the stadium and I high-fived David Bellego, Dimitri Berge, Dan Bewley, Dominik Kubera, Patryk Dudek, Antonio Lindback and Jan Kvech; all of them were so cute and happy to do so, especially Dan and Jan<33 BZ was also there but he was sitting with his back to the front, visibly hurt. Oh well. Wroclaw's citizens know who is the champion :D
Later me and mum went shopping and we also saw Dan Bewley and Adam Ellis, because them and Woffy just decided to go somewhere alone without the rest. It was so funny and cool. I'm glad I could see them in their "natural habitat". Dan and Adam joined Woffy in Starbucks.
At the end, me and mum just ordered some food - I got some pancakes with spinach. It was delicious.

What a day, I'm telling you :D

Dying my hair green and listening to Miraculous songs with mum. Later also wrote down the lore I did before.

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