Monday, the 31st of July

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I'm going to have another pirate rp, cause I found some girl that wanted to check my idea dn try it out :D

I had a dentist appointment. And, for the fucking first time in my life it was on time and short. I didn't need to have any teeth cured, which was really nice, so it was basically just some cosmetics and prevention.

I would play AC for a longer today, but I restarted one memory by accident and that got me so pissed (because I had already repeated it a few time to get 100% sync.) that I decided to end early.

The tournament was cancelled again - same reason as yesterday.

Well, at least I managed to write the opening to the new pirate rp.

Writing some poems.
One of them has 108 words, which is really fucking nice.
I caught up with the "Pamiętnik Zapomnienia" to the current one (well, I fell behind immediately after that, but anyway...)

(Only part written on that day. Well... technically it's the next day already, but whatever.)
Watching "OUAT":
Season 1, episode 14:
Omg I love the title ("Dreamy").
Leroy and Astrid would actually make a cute couple. But honestly, she's starting to be annoying.
Omg Belle is back. I really like her.
The scene with relighting the candle was cute.
Season 1, episode 15:
Please tell me that that boy visiting her is the Wolf and not the Woodsman.
OMG WHAT A PLOT TWIST! This is even better! Red is the wolf! I did not expect that!
I really wonder what she found. Something connected to Kathryn?
Ruby's relationship with her grandma is actually really cute now.
Oo a human heart. This is interesting now. Did the Queen do the same thing with her that she do with the Hunter?
What? Snow's fingerprints? Now it really gets interesting.

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