Saturday, the 23rd of December

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Morning - as usual. Just chilling. I was watching Jack Manifold watching the Mandela Catalogue. I haven't gone through the first episode yet tho.

A bit later - washing my hair and dying them green with some new conditioner. (Update: it actually did work, it was rather a shade than a full colour, but the previous one is nicely emphasised now.)

And later... it was just a few hours of me making notes for the literary theory class. And I still haven't finished it. Like... normally we got like... 4-8 pages of text to convert into notes on the basis of some questions. This time we got 20 pages. And I am not even sure if all the questions are obligatory or if the last set is optional, cause that witch did not say it in the document... I hate it. I haven't finished it. I will probably do so tomorrow.

In the meantime - rping with W. (yes, it's still MxS.). We continued the "wedding plot" we started yesterday and started a new one, with a kind of Christmasy vibe (mistletoe) :D

Then I watched Assassin's Creed movie with mum. She rated it 50:50. Oh well, she doesn't really like violence so...

I managed to reply to the ghost rp again.

Now it's 11:34pm. I am supposed to talk to W. soon. It was like a last minute arrangement, but I'm glad it worked after all.
Talked to W. for quite a while. We told each other some stories, we had some rping and we did some quizzes (hilarious). A lot of fun :D

Afterwards I kind of carried one of the rps we started on call, but it took a very different turn (S. noting down the notes M. is humming while sleeping<3).

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