Thursday, the 7th of September

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It was another weird/long day.

First thing after we left home to London - we went to a cafe - I got a chocolate cookie.

After that we went to a theatre to watch Les Mis live! It was fucking awesome. I had shivers so many times and oh my god it was so well made in general :D
Me and W. had some really nice convers about it and some ideas that we could base out rps on.

And later... it kind of went downhill... me and we had some sort of argument over something I have no idea about. I mean... she just started acting weird and went all silent as she does.
Then it kind of worked out (but it happened again later in the evening), so it's good.

Going back home (just went shopping first to get us some frozen pizzas (the shop assistant was very nice and I wished him a lovely evening; we bought some puppies from the drawing machine and get a Labrador puppy figurine!<33) was really cool. We started our journey a bit too late again, but arrived safely and nothing happened. The views were amazing and we sang some Les Mis (mainly the Valjean-Javert part of Look Down) songs :D
It was really cute.

At home - turned out our oven didn't work as well. We had to heat our pizzas on a frying pan and it didn't turn out really nice.
The main problem of this trip is me barely eating. I don't know how W. does that. She doesn't need to eat at all and well... it doesn't really work for me.

After I washed my hair (SOMEHOW I MANAGED TO even though we have no shower here) we sang some Confrontation from Les Mis and it turned our fucking fantastic.

Bad thing? My wrist still aches a bit when I press it in a specific spot... I don't know. Hopefully it's nothing serious.

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