Thursday, the 22nd of June

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Grammar/vocab. exam day.

It was all right. There was also M. S. as one of the examiner, cause he was group 3's prof during the first semester.

I got 5 (we basically got the grades one hour after the exam, cause they started checking it immediately). But it was really tricky at times. Anyway, good :D

I changed my profile picture, using the fact that I didn't look like a zombie yet. Only later I realised that my pfp had the same colours as the pfp of K. K. <33 I swear, that was an accident.

I could chill a bit cause I didn't really have any exam that week anymore. I got interested in the Titan case (and the ocean in general).

Also, the delivery people are always so nice. The man was so happy when I gave him a tip :D
I love to make them happy. They all really deserve all the happiness there is to receive.

(written on the specific day; I still have not written all the stuff from Tuesday and Wednesday - I'm too tired because of the exams)
Revising some literature, as I really need to be more productive to pass my exams: Heaney, Larkin, and Rushdie (while waiting for my McDonald's to be ordered for me and delivered). And I probably wouldn't even be writing this part of the chapter on the spot, but I really wanted to include one quotation from Rushdie that I came across while revising:

"One of the things a writer can do is to say: Here is the way in which you're told you're supposed to look at the world, but actually there are some other ways. Let us never believe that the way in which people om power tell us to look at the world is the only way we can look, because if we do that, them that's a kind of appalling self-censorship" <33

(end of the part written on that specific day)

After I finished revising, I played Minecraft for a bit. Later I was just chilling, but, obviously, I started falling asleep (well, no wonder, I was fucking exhausted and it was only the beginning).

It was 4am when I was going to go to sleep, but a thunderstorm began. So, I HAD TO stay up and not go to sleep (for about an hour more). I love thunderstorms. I used my time to write a poem as well (cause I got so awake all of the sudden and inspired as well). And that poem... Damn, probably gave a huge inspiration to the dream I had later that night. I can't really mention the dream, but I'm sure I will remember it for a long time. The dream was about C. B., that's all you need to know. (I pathetically tried to make the dream come back during the following days, but with no success</3).

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