Tuesday, the 12th of December

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Just chilling in the morning. I watched the Kris and Celina video at Celina's house. Pretty cool. Especially with the Sam and Colby video context.

Then I left to get my blue contact lenses, but the optician's was closed cause some other patient was having their eyes checked.

Immergas tram :D

Then I basically spent about 2 hours just walking through the shopping mall and some other shops near the market square. I bought some gifts for S.! Yes! I hope he will like it :D
Then I stopped at the Georgian bakery to buy myself some food and eventually finally went to the optician's again to get my lenses (this time successfully!).

Back at home - just talking to mum for a while. About things in general, about Wish, etc.

Chilling for some time.

Being productive! I've read the text we're supposed to do a presentation about next week (me and K. A.). It was weird, but I don't mind going a presentation on it. I already have some ideas on how to do it.
Then I also read some poetry by Ada Limón, trying to find something useful for my thesis. I've read the first chapter for now. I want to use the opportunity of having a whole copy of it for the time being and read all of the poems as it's easier in this form. Also, the "Raincoat" almost made me cry. I guess I'm just very sensitive about my relationship with mum.

Chose movie for today. Randomly. I know it's only 8:19pm, but I might just watch it now and chill for a bit afterwards. I might reply to some rp later as well (if my headache actually goes away).
Angel of Mine (2019):
To Sam's party? I'd gladly go as well!
I don't really know what I should note down, honestly. There's not much to this movie.
Oh yeah, surely it's about a date.
Oh so there was a sister. Also, poor boy. She should be more interested in him as he's the one who's still alive.
Oh there is a date. Interesting. This is so awkward tho... And what happened next was even weirder.
Good thing - they are all British. So I can listen to the accent.
Omg she has a bunny plushie. So cute.
Oh come on, he's eight. Don't say there's a lot going on now to him. That's some shitty behaviour right there.
I just remembered me and my grandpa always ice skating in winter...<3
Pretty light in the theatre.
Poor Thomas tho. It's not his fault his mother is crazy.
"There's no law against being crazy." XD well if it's dangerous...
They are not even similar xD
Okay, it's just got the hair. I was about to say she should do that instead of kidnapping her or sth.
Omg she's not even there. Cool.
She could probably get one hair from her clothes or sth.
No way she stayed there for the whole night...
WHAT?! So she WAS RIGHT?! I did NOT expect this plot twist. Cause yeah, now it makes sense why she didn't want to just do the dna test.
The children shouldn't have listened to this.
It was a decent movie. Sure. Not something I would watch twice tho.

In spite of my headache, I replied to two rp: the one with a ghost (new one) and the demon one with H. N.
Also, interesting thing. H. N. and I seem to be closer now, which is kinda cool.

Not much happened afterwards - just me chilling for some time (till abour 1:30/2:00am).

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