Sunday, the 18th of June

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I wasted the evening, but I'm trying not to waste my morning. Also, I slept in glasses and they survived. Thanks god.

It's 9:51am right now and I'm wondering if I should maybe just continue the "Rooftops" to give W. the second part today. It's really tempting, but I'm not sure I will manage to write it as well as before and still keep the identities of the characters in secret. Anyway, let's try, maybe.

Yes! I managed to write another chapter of "Rooftops" and an introduction to the third one as well :D I'm kind of proud of myself right now <33

Chilling a bit more for a while and later rping with W. and revising the rest of the texts for my Am. lit. test on Tuesday. I lit some candles as well (no, it's not me doing rituals; it's me believing in some positive energy).

Dinner and speedway break. I genuinely don't have the motivation to fill the university surveys... I might do that after the exam session. Who knows.

Gorzów vs. Wrocław
Good luck, my boys :D
Heat 1: This sucks... 5:1...
Heat 2: Hell yeah, fuck them Bartek, 3:3
Okay, fuck the commentators for calling Maciek's riding a 'nightmare'. Maybe you will try to do the same?
Heat 3: 3:3 again, Magic showed them. And now they called him "a magic Magic"... Fuck you, literally.
Heat 4: Fuck this. We're so unlucky in Gorzów. Piotr touched the tape... And the commentators are so biassed, they are so in favour of Gorzów. Literally fuck you. My god, finally their fucker was excluded. Good. Finally, 2:4 :D
Heat 5: 3:3, nothing special
Heat 6: omg, Woffy was so epic; unfortunately he didn't manage to win - 3:3
Heat 7: Hell yeah, Magic!! 2:4 And their fucker was justly excluded :D
Heat 8: And Piotr was fucking excluded, because they made him fall. This is a fucking circus. I hate them so much. Hell yeah, Artem, show them! What a hero! 3:3
Heat 9: OMG DAN BEWLEY!! 2:4 :D
Heat 10: MAGIC - PURE MAGIC! BARTEK - WHAT A DEFENCE !! 1:5!!! Show them, boys! <33 Let's crush them once and for all!!
Heat 11: Oh yeah, Piotr fell again. Let's exclude him, what would you say? No? Oh wow... What a fucking surprise, 3:3 :D it's our win anyway, because we have more points
Reading some "Pride and Prejudice" in the meantime, in polish. I have to put this quote here, cause it really resonates with me: "- Bynajmniej nie potępiam podobnych rozrywek, kochana siostro - odparła z powagą Mary. - Bez wątpienia przystają one do kobiecego usposobienia. Niemiej muszę wyznać, że sama nie znajduję w nich nic interesującego. Zdecydowanie wolę książki." <33
Heat 12: 4:2, bur Dan fought bravely
Heat 14: Artem and Bartek, good luck! It was so close to be 1:5, but it finished at 3:3, because Bartek had some problems with his bike. Anyway, congrats, boys. Really proud of you :D
Heat 15: 5:1, fuck them, we won anyway. Congrats to Dan and Magic <3
Wow, that one was aggressive.
Grudziądz vs. Toruń
I don't really care about either of the teams, but I quietly hope that Grudziądz will lose, cause I want them to drop from the PGE Ekstraliga. I just want to keep Krosno, cause Grudziądz are total losers year after year.
Time to read some "Midnight's Children", I think. I don't really want to, but I should.
Not gonna lie, I don't really watch speedway at this point. I finished the third chapter of the set book mentioned and started to prepare my notes for revising for the vocab/grammar exam. There is a lot of it. More than I thought. I think I will try and go through the vocab lists one time tonight instead of reading "Midnight's Children".

I just stopped reading and I will revise some vocab now until 11pm, because I'm talking to W. then :D

Playing some mc and reading "Rooftops" pt.2 with W. :D

After that I just wanted to chill, but, obviously, fell asleep and wasted my entire evening. As always. That's just fantastic.

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