Friday, the 17th of November

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Chilling for some time in the morning.

After I got up, I immediately sat down to try and write the interpretation of a poem for the seminar. Honestly? I really thought it would be much worse. Like... sre, it was demanding and it took me 2.5-3h (I think) to finish, but it was even a bit fun. I think I wrote more than was expected of us, but I guess that's fine. I chose "Catching Copper" for my interpretation. Now I just hope that the prof won't change the instructions all of a sudden cause I'm not going to write another one.

Then I talked to mum on the phone for a while. And then I spent the evening chilling. I clearly needed it after writing those pages.

Then I had nothing more to do, casue we didn't get any instructions for the seminar still, I just played mc for about 2h. W. tried to join me at some point, but her mc wasn't working, we don't know why.

Rping with W. in the meantime. It started really nice, so I hope she would want to continue that.

You know what time this is. It's AHS time! Please spare me all the exorcisms this time, please (tho I think this is going to be the main plot of this season, ughh...).
I might watch three of them tonight cause I started rather early and also the next one is kind of divided into two parts (as was the Halloween one), so it would be actually nice not to split them.
Oh there's something else there apart the two of them. Yep, the real one. As it was with Scream 6.
Omg I remembered correctly what the newspaper was about.
Not this song again.
Oh yeah, for a sec I forgot she is possessed now.
Come on! Can you fucking leave him alone? My poor boy Kit Walker :((
I wonder who brings all this stuff to her.
My god, this bitch is so stubborn and wanting to blame Kit for all of this.
And he gave HER the chance. She better be grateful for that later on.
Now I'm only worried that the beasts might get them...
What the hell was THAT?
Poor Shelley. I really wanted her to espace as well.
Omg yes. I knew that I knew Grace's actress. She also played Claudine in Versailles.
Why would anyone think this is a good movie to show to those people?
Oh no... they were made to come back. I thought that only had to back up to the tunnel...
What the hell?! She has no legs now?! Now, this is fucked up.
Damn, the outro always amazes me. I also love the scream in the middle of it. It reminds me of one song Dream used in a Manhunt.
Okay, next one.
I love Grace'a eyes.
Kit is just such a sweetheart. Aww<33
"Something there is that doesn't love a wall" omg a poem reference! This is so cool that I can see those little details :D I love literature!
"Self-doubt is a sure sign of sanity." there is something clever about it.
Damn, the way he grabbed her by her throat... That left me speechless.
Okay this scene in general... it's like mine and W.'s rp. The plot is kind of identical to this conversation.
Come on... why punish them for that... They are just people. WHAT?! Sterilisation?! Why the hell?
My god, really? Even the priest knows?
Grace, please don't lie to him.
What a nice scene with them sitting with their back against the same wall.
Yes! I knew he wouldn't leave her!
No... poor Anne Frank. Okay, let's go girl!
Damn, what did he do to Shelley...
Let's go. We need to finish this plot.
The subtitles got fucked. But oh well.
Okay maybe Anne is not Anne, but the doctor is fucked anyway. Please, someone needs to find out...
How did she even escape? I mean, I am glad, but damn.
Dr Thredson should find a way to help Kit get out as well...
Also, the subtitles are fixed now.
"Relax." that word makes me sus now... I wonder if good people even exist in that series.
OH MY GOD WAIT. Oliver is the main killer?!
No! And now Kit got arrested and is going to be killed... God, someone needs to straighten this really quickly.
No but for real. Someone needs to save kit. I don't care about the others, maybe a bit about Grace. Kit HAS TO be saved.

Okay, that's it for today. Time to chill with some easier material.

Also, Sam and Colby apparently have their merch in real shops across the US now. That's really cool :D I am so proud of them, they develop so quickly. But at the same time I just wish there was something connected with Europe this time (probably wouldn't include Poland anyway, but at least would be closer).

Damn, I fell asleep so heavily right there. Damn. Like... I fell asleep about 1:30am, I think and I woke up about 3:32am, I think. With some spontaneous breaks in the middle, but still. Damn, what a wasted time.

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