37. connecting the dots

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March 22nd, 1986
9:45 pm, 📍Hawkins, Indiana

༺♥༻ After hours of driving around, Steve, Robin, Max, Stephanie, and Dustin finally pull into the supposed Reefer Ricks driveway.

The five exit the car, grab their flashlights and start to head towards the front door of the house.

Dustin rings the doorbell and waits for an answer.

No response.

He rings it again. And again, again, and again.

"I don't think he's here." Stephanie snaps, grabbing Dustin's arm, immediately tired of the noise.

Dustin will not take no for an answer. He starts pounding on the door and yelling, "Eddie! It's Dustin!"

Stephanie decides that she's not going to stand around and wait, so she creeps around the side of the house, shining her flashlight up and down the walls. She stops only when she sees a shed on the water, a perfect place to hide from the cops...not that she has before.

"Hey, guys?" Stephanie yells, waving the others towards her.

The four follow Stephanie, intrigued to see what she could've found.

After a few moments of silence and Steve's heavy breathing, Robin speaks up. "Should we check it out?"

"I think we should." Stephanie sighs, not actually wanting to check it out.

The kids head towards the shed and shine their flashlights into the windows.

Stephanie takes a deep breath as she turns the doorknob and walks in.

"Hello?" Robin speaks up from behind her, shining her light around the perimeter of the walls. "Is anyone home?"

"God, this place is a mess." Stephanie says, noticing the broken beer bottles littering the floor.

Stephanie also notices boat oars hanging on the wall. "Hey, Steve." She snaps her fingers and points to the oars. "Use one of those to check in the boats." Stephanie whispers, if Eddie were there, not wanting him to hear.

Steve nods and grabs an oar off of the rack. He hits the wadded up tarp in the boat.

"What are you doing?" Dustin whisper yells to Steve, startled by the sudden noise. "What are you doing?"

Steve keeps hitting the tarp. "He might be in here."

Dustin throws his hands into the air. "So take the tarp off!"

"If you're so brave, you take the tarp off." Steve scoffs, turning to Dustin.

Stephanie steps to the side of the boat, across from Steve. "Jesus Christ, I'll take the tarp off."

"Go ahead." Steve mumbles.

Stephanie bends down to try and get a good look of what is under the tarp before Max's voice distracts her. "Hey, look over here." She picks up various food wrappers. "Someone was here."

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