Dont tell bill

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Maddie is now 13 weeks pregnant which is about 3 months. She isn't very well and I'm worried, bill is also very worried. They are going back on tour in a couple weeks and I don't know if Maddie will want to go? They still haven't told the public and if the paparazzi find out then it's bad.
'Lily' Tom said
'Yeah Tom' I replied
'Maddie is having a doctors appointment today' he reminded me
'Oh shit yeah I forgot' I sat up in bed feeling exhausted.Tom sat up as well.
'Do you recon it will go well?' He asked
'Yeah what do you mean it will be fine!' I exclaimed.

Later that day. Mads and bill came back from the doctors and Maddie looked like she had been crying.
'Hey Mads are you okay?' I asked
'Lily!' Bill shouted
'What' I shouted back
'Don't just don't' he said concerned. I was extremely confused and it made me scared.

Later that night I asked Tom why bill was acting up.
'Tom what's up with Bill?' I questioned
'Umm I don't really know he won't speak to me' he replied
'Oh no I'll have to speak to Maddie' I said. After that we both fell asleep cuddling.

I woke up to Maddie crying. I got up and walked to her. She was sat in the bathtub covered in blood!
'Oh my fucking god!' I screamed
'What the fuck happened Maddie!'
'The baby' she whimpered
' Maddie no don't tell me' I cried
'Lily help me I can't tell bill he will be so sad I can't!' She screamed. I slammed the bathroom door shut. I grabbed a shit tone of towels and wrapped her up in them, I grabbed my car keys and we both got in the car.
' where are we going?' She asked
'Hospital' I said with out hesitation. I sped out of the drive and almost flew to the hospital. I pulled up next to the entrance and locked the car, I carried Maddie in. She had blood stains everywhere and looked like shit.
'Someone help her'
'Someone fucking help her baby!' I screamed. Nurses came running over they got a wheelchair and wheeled her into a room, I tried to follow but was pulled back by other nurses.

Hours went by, I felt like I was going insane just sitting there in the silence. A nurses came up to me.
'Are you with Maddie?' She asked
'y..yes' I said sheepishly
'I'm so sorry but the baby didn't make it' the words "didn't make it" made me feel sick. I collapsed to the floor unable to cry, I was in complete shock. I felt my heart slowing down and then very thing went black.
'Hello mam are you alright?' The nurse asked
'Omg where is Maddie what happened' I cried. I flung my self up and ran to the room Maddie was in.
'Maddie I'm so sorry' I cried
'Lily she's gone lily shes' Maddie was unable to finish her sentence she just sat there in disbelief.
'We have to tell the boys'
'NO NO WE CANT' Maddie screamed
'Mads we have to tell bill' I said. She sighed and gave me a nod. I got my cell out and rung Tom.
'Tom you and bill need to get here now' I cried
' what where are you and where is Maddie ?' He questioned
'Tom please now I'm at the hospital' I pleased
'Oh fuck'
'Don't tell bill yet' I begged
'Okay I'll see you in 5' he said before disconnecting the call.
'Mads I'll tell him' I said reassuring her

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