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A few days later.

'Hello?' Tom asked as he picked up his phone. I couldn't hear the other line.
'Oh god um what should we do' Tom said and had fear in his eyes.
'Okay mum we will be there by the end of this week love you' he said as a tear rolled down his face.
'Tom, is everything alright?' I asked
'Umm mum she's sick we have to visit her before it's too late' he said as he got up and started to pack his bags. He booked flights and then went to break the news to Bill.

'Hey Bill' he said as he walked into the living room.
'Hey tom?' He said giving Tom a questionable look
'Um well mum is sick' he paused 'I've booked flights so we are going to head up there and see her' he said holding Bills hand
'Oh what about lily and Maddie ?' He asked
'Well they will come with us I guess we can show them Germany' Tom said giving Bill a tight hug
'And Gustav and Georg?'
'They will come too. I'm sure there parents want to see them' tom said as he called them.

Bill walked upstairs and into the bathroom, he turned in the taps and shower. I could hear him crying. This made me feel so bad and he was my best friend after all. After 5 minutes he turned off the shower and taps and slowly opened the doors. He then walked out wiping his nose with his jumper, I walked over to him and gave him a hug.
'Bill' he looked down at me 'everything is going to be alright' I said giving him another hug.

It was currently Tuesday night and we were all packed ready to go. Our flight was at 5am so we didn't sleep we just chilled, it was 3am so we left for the airport. The flight had to be so early so we weren't surrounded by paparazzi.We got off the minibus and walked into the quiet airport, we saw a few fans but most didn't come up to us. I respected most of the fans but half of them hated my guts because I was with Tom. It was now 4:50 am we were just boarding the private jet, it was like a house on the inside. There was a bar with food and drinks, two bedrooms, hot tub room and a private room. I wasn't sure what was in the private room but it looked private.

I sat down next to Tom ready to take off, I hated aeroplanes, they freaked me out so much. As we started to take off I looked up at Tom who had his eyes shut , I grabbed his hand. He peaked his eye open and then started to laugh. I looked at him shit scared.
'You alright?' He asked
'No i fucking hate aeroplanes' i whined. Tom squeezed my hand and then let go and undid my seat belt.
'Are you crazy!' I shrieked
'No are you?' He said laughing and pulling me up taking me to the bedroom.
'This isn't funny Tom what if we die!' I shouted. I was trembling with fear. He stopped walking and turned to face me.
'Your going to be okay lily why would I put you in danger?' He questioned me before continuing walking. He had a fair point.

We walked into the bedroom and he pushed me on the bed. I was shitting my self, all I could think about was how scared I was. Tom climbed on top of me and started kissing my neck then my face. I was so scared from being on an aeroplane I didn't kiss him. Tom kept on kissing and nibbled my neck and hadn't noticed how out of it I was. Until I shoved him off and ran to the bathroom, I was being sick.

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