Somethings not righ

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Not much had happened since I found out I was pregnant. I mean well the morning sickness was really bad and the headache where incredibly painful but I had Tom to help me through this.
'Do you want anything else babe?' He asked before leaving the room.
'No I'm fine' I smiled. I was now 6 months pregnant and the time had flown. I had noticed how close Maddie and Tom had gotten.

It was so sweet because I didn't think that they liked eachother but maybe I was wrong. I walked down stairs to see them giggling and messing around, I didn't think too much of it. I walked passed the body mirror and saw the sight of me. God did I look horrible. My skin was pale my hair was like a rats nest and I was incredibly skinny. What was happening to me.
I sat down on the couch and cupped my face as it crumbled, I started to cry. Tom came running over to me.
'Lily love are you alright?' He asked as he held me. I was crying too much that I couldn't speak. God I fucking hated that feeling, like the whole world was judging you.

A few weeks later
One night me and Tom got into a massive fight over Maddie.
'But Tom you and her have some thing going on!' I shouted
'What do you mean why would I' he screamed back. Maddie and bill were out having dinner.
'Tom I've seen how you look at her' I cried
'You look at her the same way you used to look at me!'
'What no I don't I love you I don't love her and I never will !!' He screamed before grabbing his car keys and slamming her front door. I just collapsed on the ground and started to cry, and I mean I cried. I cried so much that I had a dreadful migraine and my eyes were so bloodshot. And I tried to get up I felt an awfully sharp pain in my stomach, I fell back into the ground.
'Fuck!' I shouted. The pain was just getting worse and worse I didn't know what to do. I laid down on to the floor, I felt as if my stomach was being ripped from the inside out. It was excruciating pain!

I climbed onto the couch and grabbed my cell, I dialled toms number. It started to ring then went straight to voicemail I tried it again and again. He finally picked up
'Tom' I whispered I couldn't speak I was in so much pain ' Tom something isn't rright' i whimpered
'What do you mean lily'
'Tom hhelp' I said as I passed out. I couldn't hear anything.

Next thing I knew was that I was in my bed and Tom was led next to me.
'Tom' i gasped
'Lily your awake!' He said with a smile
'Wwhat happened' I asked
'I don't know you tell me what can you remember?' That was the thing I couldn't really remember.
'My stomach omg shit shit shit!' I started to freak out
'What lily what!'
' something is wrong' I said as I got up. I then felt something warm like water but thicker fall down my leg. I looked down to see deep dark red blood. Everything went fuzzy and what's when Tom grabbed my arms.
'Fuck lily fuck!'
'Scheiße Scheiße Scheiße Scheiße' Tom went on and on saying Scheiße!
'Scheiß Bill, komm hier rein, hilf' he said as his voice broke. I knew this was bad.

My love...Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang