Just fucking leave me alone!

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I walked up to Maddie and punched her right in her nose.
'FUCK' she screamed 'god what was that for'
'You and Tom fucked didn't you' I screamed
She went silent
'Your such a slag Maddie what the fuck is wrong with you' I said as I pushed her up against the wall. She smiled at me.
'Fuck you' I screamed into her face
'Your sexy when your angry' she snickered
'Maddie I'm not fucking playing'
'Tell me did you'
'Well' she paused 'yeah we did because you wouldn't give him what he wanted. I guess I'm just bett-' she was cut off by me slapping her round the face
'You fucking whore' I screamed as I slammed her against the wall again. She grabbed my hair. What a pussy move! I smashed my head into the floor
'Fuck' i screamed
'That's what you get bitch' Maddie said before walking out the kitchen

Bill and Tom came running in to see my bloody head and blood on the wall from my knuckles.
'What the fuck happened' Tom shouted
'Oh you know' I said as I stumbled up. Bill walked over to me and grabbed my elbow, and pulled me to the tap. He forced my hands under the running water and washed the blood up.
'Tom stop standing there like a dickhead and come help!' Bill shouted. Tom was still thinking about what I had just said to him, I was so upset. He was meant to be mine meant to be with me not Maddie. Tom didn't help he just walked away.
'What the fuck Tom what the fuck' I screamed as he walked away
'TOM' I screamed
He turned around
'Just fucking leave me alone!' He shouted before slamming the door and driving away.

I looked up at bill who was red in the face, he looked nervous
'Bill what's the matter' I said as I pulled from his grip.
'Bill tell me' I said as I grabbed his face making him look at me. He gulped in fear
'Lily um Maddie she um she force he self on Tom, he um didn't want to' a tear rolled from his eye.
'Oh' I whispered
'Fuck.fuck!' I shouted 'shes fucking dead' I said as I ran to the stairs.
'Lily don't!' Bill shouted but ignored him
'Maddie get your ass down her now'
'The fuck you want' she said as she came down the stairs
'Did you rape Tom!' I was now screaming
'What the fuck no who said that' she screamed back
'I don't trust you'
'I swear I didn't he asked for it he wanted it'
Bill walked over
'Maddie he was drunk' bill shouted
'No he asked me he wanted it' she kept on repeating it
'No no he was drunk and you took advantage of him'
'What no I didn't' she screamed
'I don't want to fucking see you get the fuck away from me get out GET OUT' I screamed as I started to break down. The guilt had set in I felt so bad for not being there for Tom.
Maddie ran out the house in hysterics.
'Bill when did this happen'
'Um the night of your um' he looked down at my legs then back at my face.
'Oh my god' I whispered.
Tom must of gone home and gotten drunk then maddie did that. I felt so bad.

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