Oh shit

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Guys i got back into my TikTok acc
I really don't know what to do in this book anymore 😭
Bill walked in the lounge and sat down next to me and Tom, we were cuddling. He hadn't gotten changed since me and him well had our fun, I was led on Tom of him and we had a thick black fluffy blanket covering us. When bill came in he gave us a disturbed look, I just looked at Tom confused.
"What did I miss?" I whispered to Tom
"He walked in on us" Tom laughed and my smile dropped. Oh shit how embarrassing. I pulled my head into Tom neck I'm embarrassment, I then turned to bill.
"Sorry bill" I said as I awkwardly laughed.
"Yeah that was some strange shit" bill said awkwardly "what even was that" bill said as he face planted his palm.
"Sex" Tom said in a girly tone. I looked at him in a strange way and then giggled.
"Strange way of having sex" bill said side eyeing us
"We should do it more" Tom said looking down on me with a smirk
"Umm....... Yeah" I said as I looked away
"What?! Did I like make you uncomfortable or something" Tom said with panic in his voice. I then laughed at how easily you can trick him.
"No" I said then I gave him a small kiss on his nose.

Tom smiled then pulled my chin and we started to make out, I could hear bill huffing and groaning in disgust. I pulled away then Tom grabbed my hips and pulled me up so I was now straddling him, keeping in mind that he were both naked and still on some sort high from our previous sex. I blanket slowly slid down my back and stopped at my hips, Tom then grabbed a hold of my boobs and squeezed. I pulled his hands off and pulled them down to my waist.

"God you guys can't get enough of eachother" bill whined as he flipped through tv channels.
"Yeah we can't" I mocked looking back at bill. I had completely forgotten that my boobs were still out.
"Cover up" bill said as his hand flew around his head to cover his eyes.
"Oh shit" I said as I grabbed my boobs and turned back around. Tom looked pissed off and so jealous. We just all sat there in silence, I had now layed down on Tom. He seemed a bit annoyed at me! But I hadn't mean to do it it was an accident. Every time I moved around I could feel Tom dick slightly throb, it made me laugh at how horny he always was. And apparently I was too. I don't know some thing inside was different, I was constantly craving for his touch. We had fucked at least twice every this week I don't know what is happening but I like it. Maybe just hormones. I wasn't sure.

I arrived at my new job and I was excited to do my first walk. I woman walked up to me, she had blonde and brown hair. With brown eyes she looked at least 20 ish years older than me.
"Hi I'm Heidi Klum" she said with a German accent too
"Oh hi I'm Lilly" I said shyly
"Yes I know" she smiled

I had met everyone and was ready for my walk, I wasn't sure if Tom was going to be there or not. I was wearing a beautiful black corset and small black shorts with mesh thigh high boots, I loved what I was wearing.

It was now my turn to do my walk, I was nervous and wasn't sure if people would like me. As I entered the stage I locked eyes with Tom, that made me do a little smile. I then walked down the walk and did an iconic pose before turning around and walking back up.

A few girls and crew came up to me.
"Omg you killed that" one girl said
"Your like really good" another said

That boosted my confidence and I felt amazing about myself, after the show I went back into my changing room and got changed. I then finally finished and then got ready to leave, as I left the building it was swarmed by paparazzi because Tom was there. I ran up to him and gave him a big hug, we then both got into the car and left.

"You were amazing" he said as he grabbed my thigh roughly
"Thankyou" I said as I went in for a kiss. Tom kissed me back and then started to kiss my neck. I did a nervous swallow, he then stopped at looked at me.
"Do I make you nervous" he laughed. I didn't say a word I just laughed with him, then all of a sudden I felt really sick.

Panic ran through my body.
"Stop the car!" I shouted at the car driver. He pulled over to the side of the road and I got out, I walked over to some bushes just in time to be sick. I barfed so much! I cringed at it before wiping my mouth and walking back to the car.

Tom had gotten out of the car, he walked over to me.
"Woah are you alright?" He asked. I nodded before he pulled me into his warm embrace, and before I knew it I was sobbing. I had no reason to cry yet I was.

"Why are you crying" tom whispers into my ear
"I..I don't know" I sobbed
"Let's get you home" he said guiding me to the car. I had no reason to be sick yet there was a thought in the back of my head asking me when did I last get my period? Oh shit! I couldn't tell Tom this oh shit oh shittt what am I going to do.

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