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'Oh shit lily are you okay?' I heard Tom shout from the bedroom. My stomach was twisting and churning. I threw up a few more times before replying.
'Mhm' I groaned. I was sat on the bathroom floor feeling extremely travel sick.
'Lily why are you being sick?!' Tom said really worried. I got up and walked back into the bedroom after brushing my teeth so my breath didn't smell. I sat down on the bed next to him.
'Tom I get really travel sick' I said
'Oh I was getting worried then I thought you was pregnant' Tom laughed
'Oh fuck no I started my period today' I laugh while holding my stomach
'But we fucked earlier!' Tom said shit scared
'Yeah but you pulled out in time like you always do , didn't you?' I asked not smiling anymore
'Um no I didnt' Tom said with fear in his eye.
'What omg omg omgg' I panicked
'Wait but if you were pregnant then how you having your period?' Tom said generally confused
'Oh shit wait I don't think I can if I'm on my period' I giggled at how silly we looked.

A few hours later
I woke up in toms arms he was still fast asleep , I looked up at the moving sky through the sky liner. Every thing felt so calm and peaceful, we were ready to land so I woke Tom up to tell him.
'Tom' I said kissing his neck
'Mmm' he groaned as a smirk slid across his face.
'We have to get up we are due to land in 5 minutes' i said as he grabbed my neck pulling me into him.
'Okay princess' he said then started to brand me with hickeys. We got up and got changed then went to meet the others who all looked worried.
'Are you guys alright?' I asked
'Well umm there has been word that paparazzi saw us in the airport and you know what that means' Bill said looking at Tom
'Shit we won't be able to get out' Tom said worried. I sat down next to Maddie and we talked and talked.

Finally we landed and got off the airplane, we were escorted by security through the airport.Fangirls and paparazzi screamed ours names and took pictures, I was holding Toms hand as he led me though the crowd. Even though I was used to this by now I was still scared, we finally made it to the bus and we all hopped on as quickly as possible. We were driving for what felt like forever and Tom looked anxious.

'Tom, are you alright?' I asked as I snuggle up to him.
'Yeah I'm just a bit worried' he said as he put his arm round me
'Yeah don't worry everything will be fine' I said reassuring him. We finally pulled up to what looked like a mansion. My jaw dropped at how lush it was.

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