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I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, I turned over to see bill!
'Bill what are you doing?!' I shrieked. He jumped up.
'Umm just giving you a hug' he lied 'are you feeling better now?'
'Yeah um I'm feeling better' I said confused 'where is Tom?' I asked
'Um j don't actually know' bill said looking around.
Five or ten minutes go by, no sign of Tom.
'I'm getting worried now' I said panicking. I grabbed my cell and called him. He picks up.
'Tom where are you'
'Lily' there's pain in his voice
'Tom what's happened where are you'
'Lily I've don't something bad'
'What have you done Tom' I was thinking of the worst possible thing. He has cheated!
'Tom what have you done!' I said with anger
'Lily I can't say'
'Why have you cheated?' I cried
'What no lily I love you too much'
'Oh have your hurt some one?' I asked 'tom have you hurt yourself' he went silent
'Tom where are you?'
'I'm at home'
'Right I'm coming to get you!' I demanded 'Dont move a muscle!'

I got up and pulled all the needles and pumps out of my arms and grabbed a jacket that Tom had left.
'Lily what did Tom do'
'He's fucking hurt him self' I said as tears streamed down my face.
'Shit shit!' Bill yelled as he got his things ready to leave.
'Fuck come on let's go!' I shouted. We then ran out to the car.
'Lily you aren't ready to leave, madam!' A nurse shouted. I ignored her and got into the car, I drove as fast as I could.

We finally arrived home and I ran into the house.
'Tom! Tom where are you' I screamed I heard him trying to say my name. He was in the bathroom, I ran in too see him holding a rag over his lower arm near his wrist.
'Fuck Tom what did you do' I said as I sat down next to him. He just looked at me he didn't do or say anything. Bill came running in as I slammed the door in his face.
'No bill you can't' I said as tears filled my eyes
'Why lily why' he was crying
'Bill tom is fine you just can't come in right now'

I knew how to deal with this it used to be me.

God I felt so triggered by this but I knew Tom needed my help. I ran to the sink and pulled open the cabinet under it, I grabbed the first aid box. I then pulled out bandaids and bandages, I took toms hand and wrapped them up. He was crying so much. I just hugged him as tight as I could. His cuts were centre meters deep.
'Tom why' I whispered
'I'm hurting' he breathed out through sobs.
'But you don't have to do this' I said as I gently grabbed his face making him look me in the eyes. God is dark brown eyes were full of pain and loss, and my bright blue eyes were filled with tears. He pulled me in for a kiss but this kiss was different, it felt like a goodbye kiss. I was so confused and scared at the same time.

As we walked out bill ran up to Tom and grabbed his wrist.
'Fuck!' Tom shouted
'Tom what the fuck!' Bill screamed at him. This was no way anyone should react!
'Bill you know how it feels!' Tom shouted back with tears streaming down his face. Bill just ran off into his room, and tom went and sat down on the couch.
'Where's Maddie?' I asked
'She left'
'Do you know where she is?'
'No she said to tell you that her mum called I don't know what it's about tho' he said.
'Oh strange' I said as I sat down next to him. Tom put his arm around me and played with my hair as I lent on his shoulder.

Today was a day that I will never forget.
I have lost
I have bled
I have cried
One of the worst humanly possible feeling
I have felt
I felt empty like I'm the void- completely empty

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