Bloody mess

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                             * BILLS. POV. *
I ran into toms room to see him holding lily, blood dripping from her night dress.
'What the fuck happened!' I shouted
'Bill' toms voice cracked
'No Tom no' my eyes were watering uncontrollably now. Tom picked her up and started to run down the stairs, he grabbed his keys and left. I followed after him. He gently placed lily in the car and I got into the other side. Her head rested on my lap.
'Lily listen everything is going to be fine' i said as tears fell from my face. Tom jumped in the car and pushed on the pedal making the car zoom out the drive. He sped to the hospital he had tears dripping down my face.

We finally pulled up to the hospital, he opened the door and pulled lily out. He held her like a child, I looked at where she was laid. A puddle of her blood rested there, my body quivered at the thought of her offspring's remains being there. I jumped out the car and ran after them.
'Help someone fucking help' Tom screamed as nurses came running to him. They got a bed and took lily from him, he tried to follow but they wouldn't let him.
'Fuck!' He screamed as he turned back to me.
'Tom come here' I said as I pulled him in a warm embrace. His face cracked as tears poured out, I couldn't help but feel his pain.
Everything is going to be okay I thought even tho I knew it wasn't. Tom collapsed into my arms and his cries turned into screams, he couldn't help it. I pulled him outside and we both sat against the wall and cried, his eyes were all bloodshot.

If she dies I die. That's all I could think. Why me why lily why us fuck why! This is so unfair. My child my baby is dead fucking dead, I wanted to curl up and die in that very moment. It must of all been my fault.

Me and bill were sat in the waiting room as a nurse came in.
'Tom,Bill you can come see her now' she said looking at me. Fuck she was fit. Me and bill got up and I smirked at her making her giggle. As we walked into lilys room she was curled up on the bed holding her stomach.
'Lily' I said my voice cracking. She didn't say anything or do anything. I walked over to her and grabbed her hand, she looked up at me. Her eyes filled with pain, what had I done.
'Lily baby speak to me' I pleaded. I climbed into bed with her, I held her tightly.
'Tom' she whispered 'she's gone'

I didn't know it was a girl, I've always wanted a girl.
'How' I asked
'I'm not strong enough to have a baby' she sobbed 'the doctor said if she didn't pass it would have been me'
I didn't want to lose either of my girls but at least I didn't lose them both.
'It's not your fault lily' I said 'it's my fault'
'How no it isn't'
'It is, if I weren't for me you wouldn't get pregnant and lose her all because I wanted to be different and get over my fear' I confessed. Fuck it really was my fault.

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