Chapter Two

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~POV- Jaiden~

"I like big butts and I cannot lie! Though the other brothers may deny! When a girl walks in with an idie-bidie waist, you get sprung." Mariah and I sang along to.

We weren't big American Eagle fans, so we decided to goof off instead of actually doing something productive- like what we do in school!

Taryn's just rolled her eyes at our behavior. All About That Bass started to play. I hate Megan Trainer with a fiery passion that burns in the depths of my charcoal gray soul, but I do play bass. When it started up, I started playing Air Bass.

"Cause you know I'm all about them bæssist, bout them bæssis. No guitar!" I continued. It got worse. "All them bæssists like Wentzie and Aaron Pauley. No Joe Troham or Ginger Princess. Cause you know I'm all about them Bæssists!"

"But, Jacky! Your darling Shayley plays guitar!" Alexis informed, acting like I didn't already know every detail.

"Okay. The ONLY guitarist I would bang." I said.

"That's it. This perfume is too much for me." Taryn's said, walking out.

"Don't you go! And carry on with your life! I wanna one-night stand just one more time with you!" Mariah sang, getting down on her knees, putting her hand out to Taryn. She shook her head and made her way down the mall. I patted Mariah's back.

"It's okay, Boo. I still love you like I did yesterday." I cooed to her while stroking her head. She leaned her head on my stomach.

"Jacky-baby. Our Lesbian Avocado is growing up." She cried. I started playing with her face

"You're face is so soft. I was to wear your skin." I joked.

"Thanks, Jai!" She said sarcastically.

"You're welcome, baby!" I said back.

"Oh, God. Not you, too, Jaiden! I thought you were straight!" Alexis whined.

"I am!" I called. "I will still bang any guy. No girls."

"Shayley,"  Mariah said.

I lost it over that, screaming loudly. Alexis glared at me, shutting me up. Moments after, Taryn walked in, accompanied by some extremely attractive company of the male gender that almost made me want to scream again.

Of Mice & Men. Mariah stood with her mouth gaping open. Even I was speechless! Alexis dragged Taryn away.

"Mariah, dear, close your mouth. You'll catch a dick." I warned. The guys laughed while she blushed. She was staring at Mr. Pokey-Cheeks himself!

"And who would you lovely ladies be?" Aaron asked us. AARON FREAKING PAULEY JUST CALLED ME LOVELY!!! Eojsbxbsikwbsodj!!!!! I tried to make words, but my mouth wouldn't work.

"I-I'm Mariah. And the girl with the dick jokes is Jaiden. You'll hear more." She warned. I blushed and nodded. Aaron kept staring at me. I looked down. Taryn and Alexis came back to the group then.

"So, we were wondering if we could hang out with you ladies," Austin said. "If that's alright." I nodded.

"I'm cool with it." Mariah agreed. "But first, I'm getting a scarf." She grabbed me and pulled me away so she could get her precious green scarf. She bought the scarf and we all left the store.

"Who's hungry?!" Mikey yelled. We all cheered and headed to get food.

Halfway through the meal, Taryn had a panic attack.

*POV: Aaron because Aaron is life.*

Taryn got up and ran from the table. Alexis soon followed. I tried to continue my conversation with Jaiden, but she was distant.

"Hey. I'll be right back. Swear!" She promised. She smiled at me and got up and ran. I watched her run off.

"Your lady leave you, AP?" Alan asked me. I nodded and looked down at the table. On Jaiden's end sat her phone. It started to ring. 'Mama Rutabaga La Fab' popped up on the screen. "Well, answer it!" Alan said. I picked up the iPhone carefully and hit answer.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Well, you're not Jaiden." Said a woman.

"Yeah. I'm Aaron Pauley. Jaiden left her phone on the table when she went to check on Taryn." I explained.

"Aaron Pauley? As in Of Mice & Men Aaron Pauley?"

"Yes..." I confirmed.

"Oh, Jai just loves you! Or- no. That's Shayley she has said she worships... are you the one singing in OHIOISONFIRE?" She asked. Mama Rutabaga was definitely Jaiden's mom.

"No. That's Shayley Bourget."

"That's it! That's the guy who's voice she worships. Though it's a bad situation. I personally like you better." I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Thank you, Mrs. Rutabaga!" I said.

"Oh, no! I'm not Mrs. Rutabaga! I'm Mama Rutabaga!" She said. "Well, tell the girls that I'm leaving the house."

"Okay. Will do. Nice talking to you!"

"You, too, Aaron. Bye." Then she hung up on me. I got on Jaiden's phone and put a contact in for me (crappy selfie included.) Then got her number and put it in my phone. Selfie to be collected...

The girls came back out. I quickly set Jaiden's phone back and smiled innocently.


(You have been warned. POV: The Great Mama Rutabaga.)

I hung up the phone and looked to my dog, Lizzie.

"How about that, Lizzaloo?" I asked my dog. Her ears perk up. "Jaiden met Aaron Pauley. It's time for the talk." My Westie-Yorkie dog looked at me as if to say, "Too late."

I got in the car and drove to the mall to pick up the girls. Mariah was flirting with some guy. PHIL! Phil Mansalad or something.

I saw Jaiden walking Taryn out, Austin Carlile close by. Aaron was with a guy with killer hair. But he was watching Jaiden.

My daughter. Oh my. She left Taryn with Austin and passed Aaron and the guy. I saw her smile at him, and he smiled back.

I then saw Alexis walking by with the one and only ginger princess. Jaiden then ran straight into the car.


"Sorry, Mama." She said giggling. She had a silly grin on her face that I didn't recognize.

"What's that?" I asked smiling. "Did Mr. Pauley give that to you?"

"What?" She asked.

"You're smiling like an idiot. He did it!" I yelled. We drove up to the curb.

"Pete! Get your bootyhole in here!" We screamed in unison. We laughed as she got in.

"Bye, boys! Aaron Pauley! I'm watching you!" I screamed as we drove away. Jaiden smacked my arm.

"Mom!" She scolded. I laughed as we drove off the hill.


I want to die.

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